18 1 3

I'm nervous as hell as I walk into the giant parking lot filled with tour buses.

Jaime texted me last night to tell me that they were playing close to home and I was welcome to come watch them or even to come to an after party they're having. I haven't see Jaime since he left so I agreed. I didn't think I would even agree and I know its selfish but the reason I said yes is because I want to see Tony. I've been keeping busy since he left, but I haven't moved on.

I didn't realize I could miss someone so much until now. He's all I think about. I even tried hooking up with randoms and that didn't satisfy me at all. No one is him. I know its dumb but I'm hoping if he sees me after not seeing me for three months that he'll feel the same or something and want to get back together.

Who even knows if he's here, though. Theres multiple tour buses and even more people - majority of them men but a lot of women are mixed into the group as well. 

I'm glad Jaime finds me right away because with the amount of tattooed guys here I probably would've taken a hot minute to find him.

"You made it!" Jaime says as he approaches me, wrapping me into a hug right away. He smells like alcohol already.

"Yeah I said I'd come." I say, feeling a bit awkward being around everyone. "Theres so many people here."

Jaime takes a look behind him at the crowd then shrugs. "This is nothing, usually we're a lot more people."

I wont lie, I keep looking around for Tony but I can't see him anywhere. I know he enjoys a good party so theres no way he wouldn't be here.

"Is your band here?" I ask Jaime trying to be sly.

"Yeah, Vic's over by our bus, right over there." he says and turning to point him out. "And then Tony is ... oh, he's right over there with the guys from one of the bands we're touring with."

I look over to where Jaime is pointing and sure enough theres Tony. He's half facing us, more focused on whoever he's talking to than the rest of the world around him. He's holding what seems to be an entire bottle of some kind of alcohol that is now half empty.

"Jesus." I say under my breath.

"Yeah, we think he's going through a breakup or something." Jaime explains to me. "No idea, though, Tony is pretty private with that stuff."

I nod not wanting to say anything that might get me in trouble. I'm just happy to see him.

"Let me get you a drink and introduce you to some people." Jaime says.

He supplies me with a red cup filled with tequila. As a bartender I'm horrified, but as someone with anxiety right now I'm thrilled. 

Jaime introduces me to a handful of people before we get to this one guy named Chris, I think, who seems super fond of me. As soon as he saw me he swarmed over to us and started charming me, much to mine and my brothers demise.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Chris asks Jaime. "She is beautiful."

Chris reaches out to me and takes a lock of my hair, stroking it between two fingers. From our close proximity I can tell that he's very drunk.

"She's my sister so try not to touch her." Jaime says, knocking his hand away from me.

"I'll try not to but I don't think it'll be easy." Chris says to Jaime before turning his attention right back to me. "You ever been on a tour bus, Alia?"

"Seeing as I have a brother in a band, yeah, I've been on one." I say to him.

Chris laughs at this as if its the funniest thing he's heard. "Do you want to see another one?"

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