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We made it 2 months without getting caught by Tom so far. Christmas eve is around the corner and the whole castle looks like a movie scene. We are all staying at the castle together like usual. Well to be honest it is like family tradition by now. We are each others family. One of the few things we got in common with Potter. Though he stays with the Weasleys at their place.
"My mother just send me a letter from La Réunion. How much do we bet her new husband won't make it back alive?" Blaise says while plopping down next to Enzo on the couch.
"Are you sure he is even alive right now?" Theo asks him mockingly.
"Probably not." Blaise says and starts laughing. His mother is on her... actually I lost count... well she has yet another rich husband who will die and make her even richer.
"At least she's sent me some nice clothes." Blaise brags and showes off expensive looking designer outfits.
"Isn't she like a day early?" Enzo asks slightly irritated.
"Don't care. What's the difference between tomorrow and today?" Blaise says with a grin on his face.
"He's not wrong. It's kinda ridiculous that we are following muggle traditions..." Pansy agrees.
"Hey, I love christmas." Enzo shouts and pouts.
I chuckle and so does Theo right beside me. I have a special gift for him and I am nervous about how he is going to react. Whenever I think about it I am almost throwing up from excitement and fear. Though Enzo promised me Theo will love it I am afraid. It is a big thing after all.
I got him a promise ring. I promised him a future and I want him to be reminded of it every day. We can't go public but I want something that shows he belongs to me. Hoping one day I will might be able to replace it with a real one.

The hours pass by and now we are in the great hall to have christmas dinner. Tom and Draco are no where in sight and I start to wonder and hope if they might left for Malfoy Manor. Dumbledore says a few words about love and to hold together.
After dinner we all just fall into our beds full and happy.

The next morning I get up and see quite alot of presents infront of my bed. I crawl up and look through them. Most of them are from my friends, a huge one from Theo and aunt Cissa sent me also a big one. Lastly there is one without any name on it. Who could have sent it? After I opened all of the other ones I grab the package and carefully open it. It is a letter... a muggle letter. I carefully read what it says and with each word my mouth goes further open. It is the access to my grandfathers inheritance. The bank account with millions of pounds on it. The house and almost and entire village. According to the documents I am the only heir. I am inheriting all of it.
"Theo..." I whisper almost forgetting about anything else. He walks over and sits down beside me. I hand him the letter.
He reads it and looks shocked.
"What? Wow?" he stutters as I notice a small note still inside the envelope.
"This belongs to you. When the time has come it will offer you the future you are dreaming of." I read out loud.
"Who do you think it's from?" Theo asks me.
"Well. Not from my family that is for sure..." I say deep in thoughts.
"Well... atleast we never have to worry about money again, right?" I joke.
"We?" Theo aks with wide eyes. Right. Now the time has come. I pull out the small box and hand it to him. He takes it and opens it. As he sees what is inside he looks at me. I see a mix of shock and joy in his eyes.
"I made you a promise. That ring will be there to remind you of it until I will be able to replace it with a real one." I whisper.
He doesn't even say a thing before pulling me into a deep kiss. We fall back into my pillows and are not letting go of each other.
It is just him and I. In our own world.

Until the door bursts open.
I expect to see Pansy but the sight of Tom shocks me. We break apart in a hurry but it is too late.
"Oh that's how it is." Tom says with a dangerous smile on his face.
"I was wrong. You are not just having a crush. You are actually with him. Disgusting." he adds.
"Tom, please let's talk about it." I beg fearing for our lives.
"No that is disturbing and just so that you know I will let father know. Expect him to be here any minute." Tom tells me and leaves.
"Shit." I scream throwing my fist into the wall but regretting it immediatly as I feel a sharp pain in my knuckles. Theo is too scared to say anything at all. He has his arms wrapped around his legs and his eyes wide open in shock. That is when it hits me.
I get up and start to throw our stuff into backpacks. Some clothes, some food, some care products and an old tent we once used to illegally camp at the black lake.
Then I stumble towards Theo and take his hands.
"Run away with me, now."
"But..." he stutters.
"I want to be alive and I want to be with you, will you please run away with me?" I beg.
He nods and I put the promise ring on his left ring finger. I give him a quick kiss before we run out of the dorm.

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