Start from the beginning

The sight made Prisha nauseous, but she had to keep watching hoping this wasn't a porn video. She wouldn't be able to stand it.

"I love you, Papi." Hana mumbled against the man's lips who only smacked her ass in return. "I was so angry and I needed you so bad - will you please, fuck me bad?" She begged, causing Prisha to gag.

"This fucking whoring bitch." She muttered. This video was irritating her but she knew Soft had a reason to have shared it.

"What made my whore so angry that she got so needy for her Papi's cock?" The man's deep voice boomed into her earpiece making her cringe.

"Eeeewwww." Prisha reacted, scrunching her face up in disgust.

"Would you believe that motherfucker Taehyung ambushed me today, he almost ruined my fucking plan, but I showed him who was smarter and taught him a good lesson." Hana puffed.

"What did he do?"

"He freaking asked for a DNA test." She answers.

"Ah something's up, mmmmn..." Prisha comments, watching attentively. It was beginning to get interesting. She wondered what the DNA test is for.

"Oh, he's smart." The cold man chuckled. It sounded like he was mocking her. Making fun of her which only infuriated Hana more.

"Stop laughing at me, this is serious and you know how much I plan to get out of this. My fucking step father is taking me off his will, my mother who could fight for me will soon die. She's such a bitch to want to die on me without securing my place in her husband's will. Makes me want to kill her off already." She ranted.

"Really?" The man chuckled again. Amusement glimmering in his eyes. It irked Prisha so much to watch them conversing about something this bad in a normal way.

"Honestly, every time I see her, I just feel like choking her or unplugging her from the life support she's on. She's so pathetic." Hana says, rolling off the man's laps to sit beside him again. Her face looking angry and serious.

"This bitch is so fucking evil. What the hell?" Prisha comments, disgusted by the words she's hearing. This also means Doctor Geum isn't her biological father and Taehyung is just a way to get rich fast. It's beginning to make sense.

"Wow...damn!" Prisha shakes her head, continuing to watch.

"She's your mother, so you probably shouldn't do that but it's all your choice." He laughed lowly, looking very amused. "And how are you going to get something from that BTS guy if you don't take the DNA test?" The man questioned, now playing with her fake hair.

"I can't take any test because there's nothing growing inside of me. I hate the thought of pregnancy itself, such a dirty work, I don't understand how people purposely do that to their body, I can't lose this sexiness. I also can't stand babies, I hate those annoying sounds they make. Yet people call them cute - cute, my ass." Prisha rasped out so fast, her expression holding disgust.

"This is a psycho maniac. What in the actual fuck?" This revelation got Prisha astonished. Her mouth was agape from the shock, she's never come across someone as evil as this.

"And that's why I'm going to threaten him with those pictures. There's nothing K-pop idols fears the most than dating scandal and I'm not taking it lightly. He's going to have no choice but marry me, then I'll ruin him by milking him dry. I could even introduce him to this sweet things." She giggled, holding up the blue substance, and dangling it before her eyes.

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