First Meeting

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Lilly was soundly sleeping cozy in her bed when there was a soft knock on the door. It was her mother coming to wake her up since it was officially the first day of her new school. Her mother began to sing as she walked over to her window to open the curtains. The song was in french and even though it had a bit of a urban tempo her mother figured by singing to her daughter every morning and evening she would learn not only the music but the language. The name of the song is "Ainsi Bas La Vida" It was an original piece that she wrote long ago when she was younger and its still one of her favorite pieces because of how beautifully haunting it is."C'était un triste soir comme il y en a par milliers Quand cet homme est venu me voir pour parler Et même s'il était tard, pour m'attendre et pour dîner Je savais que c'était lui que j'attendais Et je l'ai vu sourire J'ai vu ses yeux me dire Noyer dans un sourire, reste à mes cotés"("It was a sad evening like there are thousands When this man came to me to talk And even if it was late, to wait for me and to dine I knew it was him I was waiting for and I saw him smile I saw his eyes tell me Drown in a smile, stay by my side")

Lilly slowly opened hear eyes hearing her mothers voice and stayed still for just a moment to listen to her mother sing. This was one of her favorite songs because it was so beautiful and it was the first song that she learned in french," Bonjour maman" (Good Morning Mama) "Bonjour ma rose il est temps de se lever pour que tu ne sois pas en retard pour ton premier jour d'école" (Good Morning my Rose its time to get up so your not late for your first day of school") Lilly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom and did her morning routine putting on her uniform and went to sit at the vanity. Her mother stood behind her while she was sitting down and began brushing her hair to get the tangles out and then grabbed the blow dryer to get her hair to curl in waves. Her hair was down to her hips and it was a golden brown color. Lilly loved her hair because she looked just like her mother who was Korean and African American but she looked more Korean due to her grandparents and she could have been a model if she had wanted to that's how beautiful she was. Her father was down stairs and just finished cooking breakfast. Her father was French and Korean so he had more of a golden tone to his skin but you could seen his Korean roots. "Lilly breakfast is ready come on your going to run late and i don't want the food to get cold" He called from downstairs." Be down in a minute papa" Her mother finished putting her hair in a ponytail and curling the ends so it would be wavy when she let it down later "Get going love so you can eat" Lilly grabbed her bookbag, gave her mother a kiss on the cheek and ran downstairs and sat down at the table to start eating. Once she was done she placed her dish in the sink and gave her father a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you papa for breakfast see you when I get home" She grabbed her bag, phone, headphones, put on her shoes and ran out the door.

She didn't live far from the school. She put her headphones in and play music on her phone while she started the 15min walk to school. Time passes quickly while she's walking and by the time she took her headphones off she was at the school gates. She walked in putting her phone on vibrate and put her headphones in the zipper pocket," Well here goes nothing "she said to herself. As she walked to the principals office she noticed that she was getting stares and she could the whispers around her but she ignored them. After she got her schedule and a map of the school she walked down the hall trying to find her first class she noticed a large group of students with the same uniform as her and just followed them and made it on time. The bell rung and it was time to introduce herself to the class, "She took a deep breathe and entered the classroom. The teacher smiled at her and said in a cheerful voice," Good morning class we have a new student joining us today. She just moved here from the USA last semester so please make her feel welcome "She then turned to me with a gentle smile, "Please introduce yourself to the class in English or Korean whichever you feel more comfortable with."

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