04 -Take it or Leave it

959 63 46

Swimming Pools - Lloyd

(expect it to be poorly written and obviously lack depth cuz I'm tired of life atp, i didnt even bother to be specific and write this properly so enjoy this shit of a chapter lmao)



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"Are you sure? You know what you're doing is very risky Sunghoon—I mean ALL OF THIS, what you're doing IS risky in general. First, you make a deal with some—some twink off the street who apparently was the one who sold your trash and basically tried to get money off your saliva and sell it to creepy fans. Then, you proceed to bring him here to our agency like he's some sort of intern like we know who he is. Then, here you are proposing a planned rumor with his accomplice as a 'fake relationship', and then pushing the idea of being fake boyfriends because you want what? 'you want to give him what he wants?' "

One of Sunghoon's managers scolded, pacing around a secluded hallway and blocking the two males from walking any further

"Excuse me? Twink?—" Sunoo blinked

"Are you seriously going to help him get off the issue? And NOT defend yourself by at least taking measures? HE NEEDS TO BE PUT IN JAIL." the man in front of them admonished, pointing his index finger harshly at the smaller

"Wow...your manager looks really mad..." Sunoo whispered to Sunghoon, leaning to the side just for Sunghoon to hear

"Because he is, great observation Sherlock Holmes" Sunghoon replied hard, getting annoyed with the two people yapping him in his ear

"And the fact that you did all of this without the help of either of us your managers, anyone working on your team, even the CEO, doesn't make things better. Do you know how badly this could have ended if WE didn't find out about this?" The manager spasmed in his place, his eyes sharp yet building out his sockets from how mad he was

Sunghoon blinked, looking side to side as if he was thinking of something.

His manager sighed deeply, trying to keep himself from jumping the artist.

"*sigh*I know you want to be independent Sunghoon but things in this business don't work that way, you gotta inform us first—"

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