2 🩸 The Master's Servant

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Merlon impatiently tapped his foot on the stone entryway floor to the hospital, looking up at a nearby clock on the wall of the hospital entrance in anticipation. He had asked Mr.L to come almost an hour and a half ago with hopes that he might show up at some point before noon. However, at this rate, that might not be happening.

The old wizard knew that he and Mr.L weren't exactly pals, barely even acquaintances, but he had hoped that the men in green at least shared the trait of graciously accepting favors. Then again, Mr.L also viewed that part of Luigi to have been "weak" and making him a pushover, so the chances of Mr.L showing up based on the hope aforementioned were VERY slim.

"Grambi, I knew that I should've just taken the boy here myself," Merlon muttered with an exasperated sigh.

Merlon lifted his hand to his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, letting out a breath as he did. Thankfully, Mr.L finally decided to show up not long after.

The mechanic's boots clomping on the cement sidewalk made enough noise to earn Merlon's attention. When the old wizard saw Mr.L quickly approaching, a smile broke out over his face, although hidden under his hood and mustache.

"Ah, Mr.L! You decided to join me!" Merlon happily exclaimed.

Merlon extended a hand to the man in green as he quickly approached, ready to exchange greetings. However, when Mr.L stopped right beside the wizard, he simply shoved his hands in his pockets and stared at the older man. Merlon kept his hand out for another moment before realizing that Mr.L wasn't planning on shaking it any time soon. The cloaked man retracted his hand and awkwardly cleared his throat, averting his gaze in embarrassment.

"Erm, well, I will unfortunately admit that I was beginning to believe you were not going to make an appearance, Mr.L," Merlon stated.

Mr.L forced a smile, but his tired face gave away that he was being insincere.

"Thanks," Mr.L spat. 

The man in green kept his hands in his pockets as Merlon simply nodded. The old wizard was not really expecting this kind of attitude, but he would have to manage. Merlon gestured for Mr.L to follow him inside as he turned and walked in through the automatically opening doors.

"It would've been nicer if you showed up on time... However, I think we may be able to get what we need accomplished done before we are required to leave," Merlon told Mr.L with an indifferent tone.

Mr.L silently rolled his eyes as Merlon notified the attendant on duty that they were going into the halls.

"Did your first choice of man in green not want to come so you decided to downgrade to me?" Mr.L sarcastically asked.

The mechanic was unfortunately used to people settling for him after Luigi isn't able to do whatever they need or want. In all honesty, it made Mr.L feel like he was Player 3, which was even WORSE than being Player 2! It was basically like being in the shadow of someone else's shadow!

"Ha ha, no, you were not a 'downgrade'," Merlon stated. "Actually we needed to bring you specifically here."

Mr.L's frown vanished in an instant, now replaced with a surprised look as he continued walking behind the old man.

"Really?" Mr.L asked.

Merlon nodded in response.

"Oh yes. Of course, at first we had assumed it was Luigi that we needed, but that didn't work, and we realized that you were the only other possible option," Merlon replied.

The mechanic's hopeful demeanor vanished almost as soon as it came, his gloomy attitude back at full force.

"Ah," Mr.L muttered with a huff.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (𝓓𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓸 𝐗 𝓜𝓻.𝓛)Where stories live. Discover now