1 🩸 A Man (In Green) Can Dream

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It was still dark over at Flipside, the sun not quite ready to make an appearance as the morning drew closer and closer, allowing the night to stay just a little longer. Despite the dark and almost foreboding atmosphere, everyone slept rather soundly in their homes, apartments, etc. Even Mimi and Nastasia managed to find some comfortable rest, despite their traumatic injuries healing mere days ago. Yes, everything seemed right in the world.

Well, almost everything was...

With Merlon and others calling upon Mario to come to Flipside and Flopside to solve their mystery problem, of course, Luigi had come as well to help, only to get left behind in the hotel room. However, along with the Mario brothers had come their honorary third member as of late, Mr.L.

Our green and black-wearing protagonist in question was currently sleeping. After all, he could only tolerate Luigi's frantic panic attacks for so long before he got second-hand exhaustion just by watching.

~ Start Music ~

Mr.L was having another dream taking place at Castle Bleck. After all, he lived there for basically his whole life before the end of all worlds. He had mixed feelings about it after everything that happened, and even more mixed feelings about the people he had become acquainted with during said time.

The most mixed feelings he had toward anyone he knew would have to be Dimentio, despite not even seeing the jester for about five years...

The mechanic often suspected that Dimentio must be in hiding, or perhaps on the run, or maybe even both. When people would suggest to him the possibility of Dimentio being gone, Mr.L would usually chuckle. His reason for chuckling was simple: Why would he be alive if Dimentio wasn't? He considered it a fact that the reason he was around still was because of the jester, but he never really got the chance to know... why.

Why would that crazy harlequin choose to bring him back after being the one to Game Over him in the first place?

Simply absurd, right?

While Dimentio did Game Over Mr.L down the road for the sake of his plan... there was also a lot of time they shared before things started to get tense around the castle.

Those were usually the things Mr.L dreamed about, whenever he didn't have nightmares, that is, and right now was no exception.

Mr.L, in his mind's eye, found himself lying in the center of the Inner Sanctum, inside the large crater that marked the monster known as Super Dimentio's grand exit. It took him a moment to even realize where he was, mostly because of the dream state itself fogging up his senses, but he finally seemed to realize his location, and it both frightened and excited him. After all, there were only two kinds of dreams he ever had here, and only one was a nightmare, so he liked the odds!

Sitting upright, Mr.L slowly rubbed his eyes, his movements seemingly slurred as if he was forced to do slow motion. Looking around, he could see how wrecked the Inner Sanctum really was. The ground had other small craters scattered about as well: large bootprints, to be exact. While the walls and ceiling had some damage done to it as well, there was nothing special done to those.

With a drawn-out motion, the man in green eventually stood up, slowly glancing side to side as a panicked expression spread over his face. His gut told him to be scared. Be scared that you are alone in here, he thought, because that must mean that everyone else has Game-Overed.

He closed his eyes, cupping his hands to his mouth as he silently called out into the dark and barren castle, yelling for anyone to appear. Then, after the man in green opened his eyes... there he was.

Mr.L, Vampire Hunter (𝓓𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓸 𝐗 𝓜𝓻.𝓛)Where stories live. Discover now