Chapter 34- This is how you fall in love

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I pull into the parking lot of Riverside park and Elijah turns to me, a questioning look in his eyes

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I pull into the parking lot of Riverside park and Elijah turns to me, a questioning look in his eyes. I just roll my eyes and tell him to get out of the car. We both step out and I take his hand in mine and interlock our fingers. He looks down at them and smiles at me, a slight blush coating his cheeks. I laugh freely and pinch his cheeks, very well aware of any hidden paparazzi. I lead him to the back side of the park, surrounded by beautiful flowers and trees, giving us shade and right there. In the centre. A picnic blanket is laid out with sandwiches, chocolate covered strawberries, champagne, glasses and a classic New York cheesecake in a basket. He looks at me with such adoration in his eyes and I know it was the perfect thing to have chosen for him. He loves small things like these. Contrary to popular tweets about him, he doesn't really enjoy huge parties or balls but rather a movie night or well, a picnic. 

He pulls me closer, cups my face and pulls me in for a soft but passionate kiss, filled with all his love. I hook my hands behind his head and kiss him back, pouring my love into him. Telling him that we are forever and nothing can ever tear us apart. Absolutely nothing. Not even death. I vow it. I will kill myself a hundred times in the worst possible ways before a scratch makes its way on his face.

We finally break apart and smiling like crazed people in love we sit on the blanket in a way that we can see the sunset while being blanketed by the trees. It's so beautiful, it feels unrealistic. Fantastical. 

He picks up the champagne bottle and opens it and pours both of us half a glass. We clink our glasses and take a sip. 

"To us," I say.

"To us," he echoes with a smile on his face.

I take a chocolate-covered strawberry and place it in front of Elijah's mouth, tempting him to bite into it. He takes it in his mouth and leaves the leaves in my hand all while staring into my eyes. He grabs the sandwich and feeds me the first bite of it and then we drank our champagne. Alternating between more food and champagne. Refilling our glasses once they are depleted. Then I had an idea. One I saw on pinterest. I tell him to down the rest of the champagne in his glass and I do the same. And then I tell him to impale the cake with the glass. He furrows his brows but agrees. And we both impale the cake. Together. We both laugh realizing how stupid it is but so much damn fun. Then we proceed to eat the cheesecake from the glass, laughing our asses off. 

I lean back into his chest and look at the sky. The sunset is gone. Now it is a starless sky with a silver of moon lining and we just bask under it. 

"You want to go take a walk on the beach?" He asks me, whispering in my making me tickle.

I giggle and say, "Sure."

We both pack everything in the basket and clean up the area before calling Sage to call for the cleanup. I take his hand and lead him out, back to the car and put the GPS for South Beach. We open the windows, letting the cold air in as I speed through the almost dead roads and in 20 minutes we reach the beach. I park the car and we both get out of the car, he puts his hand on my shoulder and I lock our fingers on my shoulder as we walk towards the sea. I remove my heels and hold them in my hand and step in the water, shivering because of the cold but still continue to walk in till the water reached my mid-calf. I turn around to see Elijah, hands shoved in his pockets, looking like a damn beauty with the moonlight on his face, contouring his face. 

Dios, he is so pretty.

I hold me hand out, the one without the heels, and motion him to come forward, next to me. He smiles and removes his, holding it in his hand, just like me, and walks toward me and hold me hand. I smile and kiss his lips softly and part away pretty quickly. We walk along the shore in comforting silence and after some time he pulls me away from the water, removes his phone, places it on the rock nearby and plays the song. 

Our song. This is how you fall in love. 

He takes my heels and keeps it besides his shoes on the sand and we slow dance to it. My head on his chest, his hands on my waist, my hands interlocked behind his head. In the end we kiss for I don't know how long. We just kiss and savour the moment like it's our last. Maybe it is. You never know when it comes to the kind of world we live in.

We get back in the car, this time he sits on the driver's seat and drives us home. My home. We enter the house and go to my room, avoiding my family. We change in silence and kiss. We lay down and kiss. He kisses my forehead and we hold hands and fall asleep. 

***End Of Chapter***

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