Chapter 11- Trauma

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I am sitting on a chair, looking outside the window of the hospital room

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I am sitting on a chair, looking outside the window of the hospital room.

After Ryder left, papa and all my brothers asked me what happened, as to why Ryder reacted like that to Xander. I could see their anger boiling up as I told them what happened. They were about to storm up to Xander and beat him up even more but I didn't let them. He says and does things impulsively, things he does not mean. I know this because he didn't fight Ryder back. he just let Ryder hit him, accepting his mistake and that is enough for me to forgive him.

I turn my head around as the door creaks open and Ryder comes in. He comes up to me and hugs me gently, hoping he'd get a hug back. I hug him back because I know he was just trying to protect me.

"Please forgive me," he says in a slightly broken voice.

"I forgave you long ago cupcake," I chuckle.

I feel his smile on my shoulder as he hugs me tighter.

"Ryder, will you stay by my side as I tell them everything?" I ask him with all seriousness.

He removes his head from my shoulder and says, "I am always by your side, A. When are you telling them."

"Right now," I say and reach for my phone. I call papa and tell him to come here with everyone.

"Are you going to tell them about the mafia?"

"Not yet. I want to but I want them to come clean first. I'll tell them I am a street fighter, racer and an assassin. They'll have enough shock for a day."

"Fair enough."

Just ten papa and all my brothers filed into the room, seeing Ryder's hands on my waist and mine on his, they freaked and practically ripped me from him in to their embrace.

I groan and pull away from their protective asses and sit on the hospital bed.

"Guys chill out and sit," I say and they reluctantly sit eyeing Ryder, who is sitting beside me, like a prey they are ready they are ready to pounce on any second. "I called you all to tell you about everything," I say, exaggerating 'everything' while pointedly looking at Xander because even though I forgave him, it still stings.

"Are you sure? You don't have to," Xavier says, always concerned about me.

I shake my head and say, "No, I want to. You guys deserve to know this and I need to get it off my chest."

They all nod and Ryder hold my hand and squeezes it tightly, giving me some support.

"It all started when I was four and she took me away from all of you. The abuse started when I was 5. She started drinking during the day and would come home shit-faced drunk and started hitting me, slapping me. This went on for years and became worse. From slapping it went to smashing bottles on me, cutting me and ragging me.

I had to do all the chores. If I didn't, she would use a belt on me. If I did, she still hit me. Can you imagine a 7 year old girl trying to cook and burning herself because she has not idea how to fucking cook? Eventually I learned but then she started dating a guy and on my birthday he- he took the one thing I was supposed to have control over and I could give willingly. I was 11. 

He Gabriella hooked on drugs and started to continuously rape me. When I turned fourteen, my birthday present was three men ready to rape and abuse me. I didn't let them. I couldn't. It was bad enough getting raped by my step-father, I could not let strangers do this to me. I stopped them from raping me but I could not stop them from smashing bottles on me, cutting me, whipping me, belting me and carving their initials on me.

I've wanted to kill them so bad but I could not. A part of me inside could not bear to do it. They did not deserve a quick death, they deserved t be tortured to death. I wanted to torture them myself which is why when I was 14, I started training to become a street fighter, racer and the world's most feared assassin with Ryder's help."

I look up to see tears streaming down everyone's faces, even papa, except Ricardo, Rafael, Giovanni and Xander., who are as stiff as stones with their jaws locked tight and fists clenched and they look like they are about to murder people. 

"Who?" Ricardo, Rafael, Giovanni and Xander ask me together through gritted teeth, completely in sync. 

"It's fine. They're dead," I say.

"I am talking about the men. Who are they?" Rafael asks, his patience slipping. 

"Yeah, I know. They're dead. I killed  them," I say, my voice hardening as I wipe the tears off my face.

"Good," Rafael says.

"I want to come clean to you, rosa. We are El Diablo, the spanish mafia and Ricardo is the don right now," papa says.

I smile and say, "I know papa. I knew the day I cam here. I just didn't say anything. We all have our secrets."

He smiles back and puts me on my feet and engulfs me in his arms. I make a 'come here gesture with my hands to my brothers as an invitation to join the hug. They all join in and we hug for a long time.

Eventually papa pulls way and says, "We'll let you rest now. Go to sleep, ok? Ryder. A word."

Ryder nods nd squeezes my hand nd leaves along with everyone who squeeze my hand and kiss my forehead.


Hahahahhaah!! Surprise chapter for yalll.

I love this. 

Love yall. I hope you al enjoyed. 

I made banners for the characters!! Do you  like Adriana's???

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