Chapter 1- Backstory

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TW: Abuse

Adriana's POV

I jolted awake by a punch on my face and a kick on my bruised ribs.

"Wake up whore and make us  breakfast." My mother screamed in my face.
I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to make Maria and Christopher breakfast. All my life being abused by a mother who used to love you till she got hooked on drugs and alcohol because of her boyfriend is not a pretty life but I've gotten used to it. I had to live in this hell hole only for another year, then I am free and with the amount of money I make, I can buy a house and live lavishly.

I made toast and a sunny side-up for them, grabbed a nutrition bar and headed out the door to my mansion where I kept quite literally everything because knowing my 'parents' they would sell everything for drugs and alcohol. 

They did sell your bo-

Shut up

I took a shower and changed into an outfit and grabbed my Chevrolet keys to head to school. I had to make sure to put concealer on any visible bruises. 

(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)

I blasted Chase Atlantic and screamed the lyrics to 'Devilish' the whole time.

Sever off the head and watch the body fall

See you in the depths, that ain't a metaphor

Sex, blood, fashion, dripping holy water

Holy shit, she worshipping my dick like it's the Holy Father

Triple the six, abandon your god 'cause he don't exist

I'll keep the blade, only talk a few weeks and I'll cut off your wrists

Medication gets me higher than heaven, but bro I'm the shit

Better fix I saved for Hades, I'm popping the pills when I'm sick

I only exist to fall

Habits like the ghost of God

I'll just walk the earth till I'm gone

Feeling homesick, fire up your throne, bitch

Shit he's awesome.

I pulled into the parking lot and all eyes were on me. I gave them all a glare and moved towards the back for a smoke. 

After finishing my cigarette, I checked my schedule.

Ugh, History. I rolled my eyes but headed to the class. 

I decided to make an entrance, so I kicked open the door and entered. I had my usual scowl on my face and glared at everyone who looked at me. 

"Well, thank you for gracing us with your presence Ms. James." Mr. Wilson said with a glare and sarcasm dripping from each word. 

I rolled my eyes and walked to the back of the and put my earphones on to blast some music.

Mr. Wilson just shook his head and continued teaching.

Aren't you a piece a work.

What? He should be used to it by now.

Trust me honey, he is. He is just trying to see an improvement.

Nevermind, whatever.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rung. It was Calculus next and I decided to skip. I went to the nearest vending machines in the school and grabbed a pack of gummies. I sat down beside the vending machine and looked through my phone to answer some emails regarding my company.

I was the CEO of Esperanza Holdings but I never wanted to be exposed to the media and everything so I kept myself anonymous and let my secretary go the events that are hosted. 

Most of the emails were about collaborations from small companies who wanted fame and money. I skimmed through them but stopped when I saw an email from Montez Holdings. 


They were no.1 company in the world!  I was 2nd and after me the Deluca Holdings but HOLY SHIT!

I read the email and they want to collaborate with me.


The Montez are always on the news  and are rumoured to be in a mafia. Hah! As if they would let anyone know. I know they are the Spanish mafia and have wanted to be allies with the Russians for so long since the Russians are number 1 but the Russians are thinking about it. 

I'll talk to my committee members to see if we should collab with the Montez Holdings.

The bell rung signaling the end of Calculus and start of the lunch break. I grabbed my bag and walked to the cafeteria. I kicked open the double doors and stalked to the back table  and sat down. I noticed everyone looking at me. Ugh, when will these fuckers stop looking like tf you looking at. 

"What are you looking at?!" I shouted "Eat your fucking food."

I sat down, put my earphones on and blasted music. 

"Oh look, it's the fucking slut!" A screechy voice  said that I could hear above my blasting music.

I sighed and continued listening to music ignoring the person because I was in no mood to deal with anyone.

"I am talking to you, slut!" Emily screeched. 

I sighed and stopped my music.

"And I am not interested to talk to you, plastic barbie." 

She huffed out a breath "Oh come on, at least my father did not abandon me."

I froze for a second, because I was shocked because no one had every brought my family issues. 

"What. The. Fuck. Did. You. Just. Say?" I asked her in a very menacing tone, giving her a chance to change her statement and leave without me beating her to pulp.

"I said that at least my dad did not abandon me and your mother probably abuses you because he walked out before you were even born."

I could not contain my rage anymore. All I saw was red. I grabbed her and repeatedly punched her face till I heard multiple satisfying cracks, confirming that I broke her nose, jaws, cheekbones and 2 black eyes. I grabbed her by her head and banged it on the table a few times and  let her go. 

I squatted down where she was a crying, blubbering mess making me smirk sadistically.

"Aww..." I tsked "your make-up is ruined, want me call daddy."

I then grabbed her by her hair and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Nobody talks shit about my family and not gets beaten up till you're unrecognizable. Plastic bitch here is the perfect example. One warning, don't follow her footsteps, you'll end up much worse." I then left my hold on her hair and stalked to the next class.


Hey bestiesss,

Let me know how it was and I am taking a trip Mumbai tomorrow so I will probably update day after tomorrow and please comment and vote :) 

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