Secrets and Soulmates

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I stayed in that clearing until dusk began to fall, Orion intermittently nosing and licking my wrist. He stood up, nudging my chin with a soft questioning whine. I took a deep breath, wiping tears from my face with both hands, sniffling as I tried to regain my composure.

"I need to go back. I need to talk to Grandma." He walked beside me as I started through the forest, the crackling of the leaves less inviting than before, the normally beautiful calls of ravens and owls sending chills up and down my spine. I tried in vain to rub away the goosebumps on my arms, stopping short when I realized that I wasn't rubbing the well worn sweater I'd been wearing before, but rather a soft silk. I blinked in confusion down at myself. I was wearing a silk dress in a delicate emerald green, with vines and flowers climbing upward from the hem, embroidered in a shimmering gold. When I leaned my head forward, my hair fell around my arm, and I gaped at it. It was a shimmering white, like moonlight on running water. I straightened my back, shaking my head. "No time for that."

Orion kept glancing up at me periodically before huffing and smacking my hand with his nose. I took a moment to observe him, now. He was easily six feet tall, even in wolf form. His coat a beautiful solid black, like a starless sky. It was surprising to me that this enormous wolf was somehow as silent as the shadows he resembled as he walked through the early autumn forest.

He lowered himself, tugging the hem of my dress and motioning to his back.

"You....want ride you?" I quirked an eyebrow, but he simply wagged his tail at me, letting a sound that was oddly reminiscent of a cat's purr. Both of my eyebrows shot up at that. Since when do wolves purr?! I rubbed my eyes absently. This day just kept getting weirder and weirder. But I was exhausted, and he was offering, so I gingerly climbed onto his back, uneasy in my balance as he stood back up, shaking his fur slightly.

He ran easily through the forest, following his tracks back to the edge of Grandma's property where I had fallen into his arms. I stared out into the distance at the faint edges of the rose maze. "Let's go. We need to go through the maze. I can direct you."

He huffed slightly, taking off at a steady trot. When we got to the maze he sniffed the air slightly, making a dissatisfied sound. 

"I didn't go through the whole maze. So like I said, I'll direct you." He flicked his ear at me, grumbling softly as I whispered directions to him. I highly doubted that anyone would be in the gardens at this time of night, but I also wasn't really willing to take chances with not only my life on the line, but my soulmate's. We peeked out from the maze, making sure the coast was clear before making our way to the door I had left through this afternoon. I opened the door slowly, peering in to see the Council outside of the Chamber door, Grandma Mira pacing the hall.

Orion nudged my back, a sense of urgency flooding my senses, and I quickly stepped into the hall, ushering him in behind me. The Council froze as I jogged down the hall, with a six foot, pitch black wolf close on my heel.

"Did you manage to fix the Council Chamber?" Everyone was gaping at me, and I looked between them all with exasperation. "No time. Is it done, or not?" I waved my hand at the closed door to my right.

"What is that?" Elder Sophia was the only one not staring at me, and instead staring at my companion. 

I sighed in frustration, rubbing my face. "Is. It. Done?" My clipped tone was enough to snap them from their reverie.

"Yes." Grandma Mira squeaked in shock, fumbling with the door before ushering the small gathering into the Council Chamber. All of the runes and barriers were once again in place, the candles all lit, and no trace of the destruction from earlier. "I assume you went to the stone altar?" Grandma took her seat at the head of the table,  motioning me to her right.

I flopped into the seat with a heavy sigh, rubbing my temples absently. "Yes. Though I can't really say that it helped me any. I have more questions than I did when I left, and apparently I'm being hunted by someone called "The Primal Witch." So, that's fun." I groaned, slouching in the seat and trying not to cry in my frustration. Orion laid at the feet of my chair, resting his head in my lap with a soft whine.

"We did some investigating while you were gone, but unfortunately, whoever set the fire covered their tracks extremely well." Elder Arabella said from across the table, threading her fingers together. 

"Oh, come now." One of the other Elders spoke, waving off Elder Arabella. "The girl has finally had her second awakening. The first thing she must do is find her soulmate. Unless she intends to reject the gift the Gods have given her." I felt Orion flinch at that, and I absently ran my thumb across his muzzle.

"Yes," another Elder chimed in, "we must prepare a ceremony immediately to lead her to her soulmate."

"Why are you set on me finding my soulmate?" I glanced around the table in suspicion, noting the few who lowered their heads, or looked askance. It didn't make any sense to me.

"Because, it's the greatest blessing that you can ever receive." One of them said vaguely.

"Because," Elder Sophia rolled her eyes before turning to me, "it is one of the most powerful magics in existence. Once you meet your soulmate, it's like finding a puzzle piece you didn't know was missing. The magic of the bond will draw you together, and it is impossible not to love them." She had a wistful look in her eyes, smiling as ghosts of memories danced behind her eyes.

"I know what a soulmate is. What I want to know is, why are you so intent on me finding mine? Why does it matter to this council if or when I meet my soulmate?" I tapped my free hand on the table, and all of the Elders began fidgeting uneasily, glancing around at each other.

"Because you can only take the position of "Matriarch" once you have accepted your soulmate." One of them whispered, a dark hood pulled up, covering her face. "And you have been marked as the next matriarch since you were born, Elissa Hart."

"And if I don't want the position?" The question caught them all off guard, and they all let out choking gasps before shouting over each other.

Grandma Mira raised her hand, silencing the cacophony. "That is a fair question, ladybug. And if you choose to reject the position, we will have to divine who next is fit for the position. You will suffer no drawbacks, but the coven may treat you coldly. It is uncommon for anyone chosen as the head of the coven to deny their birthright."

"I just learned that I am going to be hunted, probably for the rest of my life, because of the magic I was born with. My family was murdered, and we are no closer to the culprit than I was the night it happened, and even Aunt Sasha is dead because of this, so you'll have to forgive me if I'm not exactly jumping for joy at being told that not only have I not been given any kind of formal training, but now I'm being told that despite the fact that my magic is wild by nature, you expect me to sit in a stuffy old office and pour over papers day and night. You are acting like I have no choice in my own life, but guess what?" I glared evenly at each Elder at the table. "I am the one in control of my life. And if I run," a cold chuckle escaped my lips, causing everyone to flinch, "you will never find me."

"I want you to find your soulmate to be happy, ladybug." Grandma Mira patted my hand gently. "Whatever else happens, you need someone on your side. So, would you like some help finding them?" She smiled hopefully.

I looked down at my lap, and Orion wagged his tail anxiously. "I've already met my soulmate."

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