The Wonder of the Wild Hart, pt 2

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The steady beeping of my alarm clock broke through my dreams, and I reached over lazily to smack it. Most of my friends used their phones for alarms, but I find that nothing is quite as annoying as an old alarm clock. I rolled over and stretched my arms before sitting up and looking at my calendar. 

"Today's the day." I mutter, rubbing my face. I glanced at the clock. "It's six, mom won't be up for another hour, so I've got time to run." I walked into my bathroom and stared into the mirror. "Why do I still look 12? I'm finally 16, and I look like a kid." I rub my face absently as I turn to the shower. 

"Hey, don't use all the hot water birthday girl!" Caleb chuckles from the hallway. "You're not the only one who needs a shower before school." I glare at the wall and flip off where I assume he is standing on the other side.

"Now I'm just going to use all of it, so you have to take a cold one." I smirk, despite knowing that he can't see me.

"Yeah, whatever, you can never stay in there long enough for the hot water to run out." I hear him laughing as he descends the stairs. I roll my eyes, and knowing him, he's doing the same. We both know that he's right about that.

After a quick shower, I pull on a pair of black athletic shorts, my favorite green tank top, and lace up my favorite jogging shoes. I run my fingers through my wet hair, and tie it into a ponytail. The skies were still that beautiful dawn mix of pinks, oranges, and blues, that often reminded me of candy. 

Caleb watched me as I hopped off the last stair, my fingers trailing aimlessly over the walls. "Why are you dressed like that? You better not be planning to go on another one of your, what do you call them? "Excursions" was it?"

"Neither country proverb nor king's command could keep me from the woods today." I smiled, quoting one of my favorite movies. "Besides, can't you smell it? If I don't go out now, I won't get the chance before it rains."

"El," Caleb sighs, plopping his hand on my shoulder, "you make no sense half the time." He shook my shoulder playfully before letting go. "Go on, but if you're not back before mom's up, I'm not saving your hide."

"Never said you'd have to." I kiss his cheek and sprint out the back door, reveling in the morning dew slipping off the leaves as I brush past them, the soft crunching of the fallen leaves, and the soft smell of the lingering storm on the air. I followed the pull of my magic, not caring where it led me. Rabbits darted out as I ran past, and several birds flew along beside me. This was the time when I felt the most alive. I stopped and looked around my favorite clearing, making sure that no one was on the trails, before calling upon my magic.

It tingled over my skin, like stepping into a warm shower on a cold day. The scents of the forest became sharper as I tilted my head back, eyes closed, turning my face into the breeze. I listened to what others might call a still forest, and heard every crunch of leaves, every scurrying animal, every breath that fell through the air around me. I opened my eyes, looking down into the lake, I watched in wonder at the soft doe reflected back at me. I tilted my head down, dipping my muzzle into the water for a quick drink, watching as my ears twitched back and forth, surveying every sound. I smiled to myself as I lifted my head, scenting the winds for any danger. Finding nothing amiss, I began trotting off, continuing along the pull of my magic. I took to the forest as though I had been born within it, easily and gracefully leaping over fallen trees, the brush blurring around me. I stop and munch on some ripe berries before continuing, all the while alert to the sounds of danger.

After nearly half an hour of running, I stop, pacing slightly, as I fight with myself. Part of me wants to follow this pull, like a string, and see where it leads me, but I know that if I don't head back soon Mama will flip her lid. After debating for what seemed like an eternity, I turn and sprint back toward my secret refuge, pushing the doe's body as fast as it will go, my chest heaving with exertion. When I get to the clearing I bounce slightly, dipping my muzzle into the cool water once again, drinking as much as I dare, before releasing the magic and shifting back into myself. I smile at my reflection in the water, the corners of my soft amber eyes crinkling in the same way as Mama's. I chuckle softly to myself before stretching and turning myself toward home. 

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