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Dear Jayda,

This is a farewell letter, my dear. You're going to be a senior next year and I haven't ever really found a way to end these letters. So here it is:

I hope you do well in life. I know we joke about you being the best porn star to ever live, and even though I know you could be if you really wanted to, I just hope that whatever you really want to do, you'll do your very fucking best and succeed. 'Cause that's what you deserve. I'll always be here if you need me. I know people say that but I mean it. I don't think you'll ever know how much you mean to me. You are a great friend and I don't mean to talk as if you have already left, I just want you to know now. Just in case, we do drift apart your last year... Just in case, Riley and Haley are the girls you stick with and in case I can't be there for you, just know I thank you and appreciate you. Staying up on the phone with me and us singing "I Dreamed a Dream," I'll cherish those memories even after you and I both graduate. You've tolerated me and my insecurities and still cared for me when I didn't care for myself. You been on the phone with me when I laughed and cried and didn't know how to handle anything in life. You've made an impact on my life in a special way and I thank you eternally. I wish I could say more but then I'd just be repeating myself. But thanks. I don't believe I could ever say it enough, though.

I love you, my sunflower. Remember that.

Your Lina-Beana

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