You deadpanned. "Gojo I don't think he'll find us right away. How will he know where to look?"

(Choso)"Unless he has you chipped?"

Gojo snorted. "We actually talked about that! I get lost all the time. Especially at the mall."

Before you could try to run some sort of plan by them again-- Gojo interrupted you. "Don't worry Y/n. I say we just go along with it for a few more hours. I have faith in Suguru and everyone else. Of we aren't rescued by the time the old man falls asleep. We'll just sneak out of here."

You didn't understand how Gojo was so calm. He was treating this situation alot less seriously than he should. You all literally got kidnapped, taken to some house that's probably deep in  the woods. You could be underground for all you knew! This damn house didn't seem to have any windows?

Heavy footsteps made you all freeze. Just in time to hear Choso softly gag at the taste of the food.

The old man looked straight at you. "You first for bath time cupcake."

Like fuck this old farts getting a free show! Forget waiting to be rescued. You'd take him out yourself!

He continued. "Momma looks tired so we'll get you ready for bed first. That way she can get some rest while I bathe your brothers."

Oh... Nevermind.


If there wasn't a rotting woman in front of you. Her eyeholes filled with what you assumed was her drying eyeball slime---

This bath wouldn't have been so bad. One, the water was so warm but that perfect kind of warm that had your tensed muscles relaxing. Also the tub was filled to the brim with thick light pink bubbles that smelled like bubble gum. Your childhood flashbacks were hitting you hard.

Thank Creator for that! You don't know how you'd be able to stay sane with a dead woman watching you from the toilet bowl..

A knock came from the door. "Momma I'm leaving our little princess' clothes by the door!"

That must be your que to get out. Unless this dead bitch can walk? You eyed her for a good minute. Shivering when you swore your eyes started playing trick on you.

You swore her chest moved as if she was breathing!

You tiptoed out of the bathroom. You really hoped the nightgown you had on wasn't the women's... Who were you kidding-- of course it was hers!

You heard splashing.

"Can I have that rubber ducky?"


"Fuck you. This one's mine."


"Boys stop fighting. You have so many toys already. They're getting cleaner than you are."

Oh good the old man was with them. You could go downstairs and call for help!


**Somewhere at some police station..**

Kenjaku sighed and rubbed the tiredness from his eyes. His coffee stopped providing the caffeine he needed to stay awake hours ago.

"Maybe I should give crack a try? -- Neh. I'm already fighting demons."

The words on the report in front of him began to blend together. Just black smudges on white paper.

His office door swing open and in walked Jogo. One of the seniors detectives that were helping him with a case. "Kenjaku. That kids here again-- the one that strangely looks like you. Are you sure you don't have kids?"

Kenjaku rolled his eyes. "The kid isn't mine. We just have long hair and the same earrings. You know I don't do the whole dad thing."

Jogo laughed and got comfortable on a small loveseat in the corner. It was time for a cat nap. "Sure. All those child support charges say otherwise. Learn how to pull out.."

The younger detective stood up and lazily walked out into the the waiting area. The kid in question seemed to have brought a few friends with him. Two twins with pink hair-- one of them had their head wrapped? Also two females that looked pissed.

Kenjaku hummed. "Can I help you Mr. Geto? I told you there isn't much we can do. You're friends haven't been missing for more than a few hours."

Maki leaned closer to Nobara. "Damn they do look alike."

Suguru rolled his eyes. "You haven't tried to search the woods yet? My boyfriend could be hurt. You said it yourself that some maniac was living somewhere deep in those woods!"

Kenjaku sighed. "Listen son, if I knew where to look we'd be out there. We've had dogs and search parties out there before and haven't found one house, campsite, or cave."

Yuji grumbled. "If we don't find out brother our mom's going to tear us a new one! Then she'll come here and bite everyone's dick off. Come on man--"

Sukuna interrupted him. "I'm more worried about my woman. Choso's probably trying to hit it already. He gets off on being scared and shit."

Nobara hit the back of his head. She caught herself too late. "Oh shit! Sorry Kuna. But worry about your brother."

Yuji looked down. "Oh shit Nobara-- I think you knocked out his last braincell.."

Geto pinched the skin between his brows...

Kenjaku looked at the young adults as they began to bicker. "Are you kids on something?"

Maki groaned. "Listen, we're all sober. But our girl is lost with two idiots. She needs help! The longer she's alone with them, the more braincells she loses."

Kenjaku raised a brow. "Would they do anything to hurt her?"

Everyone looked up...

They all spoke at the same time. "FUCK NO? WHAT THE FUCKS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

(Sukuna) "Choso would lay over shit and piss and let her walk over him--' just so she wouldn't get dirty."

(Yuji) "Gojo would rip heads off for her! He'd bend over backwards just to make her happy." **Geto was nodding in agreement.**

Kenjaku felt a bit of pity. He could tell they were all worried. But there were rules. "Okay, listen--"

A large woman? Man? Came through the door. Kenjaku looked up at the new deputy they just hired. "You alright Hanami? Mrs. Smith get drunk and flash you again? I keep telling you not to look down--"

Hanami caught their breath. "I think we found him! The guy whos been killing people out in the woods! A girl named-- shit-- what was her name?! Y/n!! She said they needed help. He was pretending to be an Uber driver and kidnapped them. She and two others are trapped in his home!"

Nobara shot twords them. She grabbed their uniform collar. "Where is she?!?! Why are we still standing here?! Let's go!!!"

Kenjaku had to tear her off of the frightened deputy. He placed a hand on Hanami's shoulder. "Please tell me you traced the call."

Hanami was already a pale person-- Kenjaku's heart dropped when they seemed to get paler by the second.

Sweat built up up at Hanami's hairline. "I-- I uh, I got excited and may have hung up on her."

A tattooed arm swung past Kenjaku's face. A fist crunched into Hanami's nose-- in the blink of an eye-- long black hair flowed past him as Hanami was tackled to the floor.

(Maki) "Spread their cheeks for me Geto! Me and this chair leg are going in dry!!"


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