Running back to the house, I took a deep breath and stepping into the living room, now seeing it's not just my idiot nephew and two girls, but also a few of his friends and some other girls. "You get the day off of school and forget to tell me Rock?"

I asked that in the coldest and angriest voice I could muster, watching Rock try to push the girls off his lap, then realizing that he was now flashing his aunt his naked junk, ugh.

"Fuck! I'm sorry Aunt Shea, fuck! Um no, the guys and I aren't supposed to be here right now!" Rock was stammering and stuttering, unable to form a complete sentence.

"Everyone get dressed, and get out of here, those of you I recognize, I will be talking to your parents, those I don't know, I'll be tracking down your names, get fucking dressed right now!"

I can smell the pot, now that I'm looking around I see the beer bottles and some other alcohol containers. Now that I know they've been drinking, there's no way they should be driving home.

"Change in plans, I don't know who has been drinking, so none of you are going to be driving. Get dressed and get back into the living room."
Grabbing my phone, without thinking I text War.

Me: Major problem at the house, can you grab some brothers and a few cars and meet me at home, ASAP?

War: Whats wrong baby? Everything ok??? Got Rider, Stoner and Hack, otw. 5 min

Me: Please hurry!!!

Slowly seven now fully clothed 16 and 17-year-old boys arrive in the living room. Nine girls, in various states of dress are quietly sniffling and not making eye contact with me, are also in the room. I notice that Rock keeps texting and looking upstairs. All of a sudden a feeling of dread washes over me.

"Rock, where is your brother right this second, and don't you dare lie to me!"

Rock drops his head to his chest and sighs deeply before looking up and looking so damn guilty.

"He's in his room right now."

"So help me god Rock, is he alone, or does your 15 year old brother have company up there?!"

"Um, I don't thin he's not alone, but I don't know who's with him, maybe he's alone?"  He ends this sentence with a question, and by the evidence down here, and the way this day is going, I know he isn't alone up there.

At that moment, the 16 idiots in front of me have a giant panic as three freaked out bikers run crashing into the living room, the girls squealing and crying, the boys knowing that judgment day has just crashed landed.

War looks around, sees me and stomps quickly across the room to my side, pulling me into his arms and gruffly questioning me.

"Shea baby, you all right? What the fucks going on here? We thought there'd been an accident and you guys were hurt?"

The moment I feel his arms around me, I melt into him and try not to cry.

"I brought Tess home, she was sick, oh my god! I left her in the car!! I'm the worst aunt!!"

I go tearing out of the house, about to run down the drive, when I see Pike, carrying a sleeping Tess in his arms. He tips his head, motioning to the top story where her room is, I nod and mouth "thank you". Pike looks at the front door, sees all the kids and the angry bikers inside and walks to the side door, to presumably take Tess up the back stairs.

As I enter the house, I hear Rock answering Wars questions about what's been going on. Some of the kids are club kids, and Rider says he's texting their dads, the kids who aren't club related are going to get driven home after the kids call their parents first. As all this is going on, I see a girl  with Teller sneaking down the stairs. And damnit, the kid is acting like a macho NFL player after the super bowl. The cocky ass isn't making eye contact with me, but he is smirking at his brother, the little shit.

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