Chapter 6: Intergalactic.

Start from the beginning

"I'm not going to sit in that seat. He's driving." Mikaela refused, Clara biting her lip to keep from telling Mirage to say anything to them.

"Yeah. You're right." Sam murmured and Clara wondered if this was where the kid was gonna take a chance and pull a move. Sam doing that right now during all of this would be bemusing. "Well, maybe you should sit in my lap." He blurted out and Clara's brows raised as Mirage made a noise of surprise. That was not what they were expecting.

"Why?" She could hear the frown in Mikaela's voice.

"Holy shit, that interesting move for him to pull." Clara snorted with a laugh, this was amusing to her because it was just funny to hear the complete and utter awkwardness. It made her cringe and Mirage made a sharp whistle-breathing noise, this was strange for them.

"None of this would be happening if they knew we could hear them," Mirage remarked and Clara nodded, that was the truth.

"Well, I have the only seat belt here. You know, safety first." Sam stumbled slightly over his words. It was what Clara would describe as a god-awful and awkward silence before Mikaela relented.

"Yeah, all right."

"You all right?" Sam asked her as Clara heard some shuffling from the radio.

"I should shut this off..." Mirage trailed, a grimace in his voice while Clara began laughing.

"Too late for that now, man." Clara guffawed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Yeah." Mikaela mumbled.

"Okay, there you go." Sam muttered and Clara could hear the movement and shuffling stop. Real smooth moves there, she couldn't imagine why Sam never got the girl before. "There, see? That's better." He breathed and Clara bit the inside of her cheek when it went quiet. These two were worse than her and she rarely dated.

"Oh. You know, that seat belt thing was a pretty smooth move." Mikaela complimented after a few minutes of silence.

"Thank you." She definitely knew Sam was holding back a grin at that compliment. Mirage didn't even have to read Clara's mind, however, to know to reconnect their line to Bumblebee.

"You guys know we can hear everything you're saying." Clara piped up and the teenagers immediately went quiet in embarrassment. They did not know that, but knowing Clara and Mirage heard everything made it embarrassing. "From good driver to seatbelt." She smirked and Mirage burst out laughing, Sam and Mikaela on their side going red in the face.

"You-you can?" Sam cleared his throat, trying to keep his voice level.

"Oh my god, they can hear us." Mikaela breathed horrified.

"Yeah, I mean, your moves worked, man, but still..." Mirage said yet he couldn't stop laughing, Clara was still smirking but reached out for a moment to steady Mirage's wheel while he was laughing. The teasing from them made Bumblebee whir in amusement while Sam and Mikaela dived deeper into their embarrassment. "I'm surprised Bee didn't tell you guys that your line was on." He added and Bumblebee buzzed out a laugh and Clara grinned.

"Don't worry, it was cute. And I'm sure Bee appreciates how considerate you were being for him." Clara told them, her tone was gentle but she was still grinning at the amusement she gained from the situation. It was quiet again when Mikaela opted to change the subject and finally move on from their embarrassment.

"You know what I don't understand?"

"Hmm?" Sam hummed while Clara quirked a curious brow, even though neither Sam or Mikaela could see her.

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