Start from the beginning

Flashback to when Garrett left for practice
* "See you soon, I love you!" He shouted as he opened the door.

" I love you more, Slender man !" I shout back, as he closes the door and I hear the lock twist. He always, makes sure that the door is lock if I'm home alone it became his routine at this point.

I make my way to the kitchen to make a small breakfast since I'm not that hungry, which to me that small breakfast is coffee and an oatmeal. You can never go wrong with coffee and oatmeal, as I start preparing my food I get a phone call and when I see who it is my smile fades away.

Incoming call

My mind starts racing with questions, what if she's just calling and see how I'm doing? No, that can't be it. Okay, what if she's just calling to see how school is going? No, that can't be it either—sighing I finally pick up.

"Hello?" I put her on speaker, and start cutting fruit for my oatmeal. "Sophia, do you have any plans today?" Her cold voice comes through the speaker phone, not one bit of emotion in that cold tone of hers.

"Mother" I say dryly, hoping she gets the idea that I have zero interest in talking with her.

"We are coming back from the cruise and we're stoping by your school this afternoon because ready" I hear before the call ends, and I drop the knife and slide down to the floor as frustrated tears start pouring down my face.

I haven't heard from them since god knows when, and when I do she tells me they're coming here and hangs up without my approval or disapproval. The changes, are that they forget and never speak to me for two months.

I like those chances.
Me too.
God I'm going insane if I'm talking to my self consciousness.
I'm the better version of you.
Well for one, you can't defend yourself for shi—shut it.

I stand up, wiping my tears away and putting on
"The heart wants what it wants" by Selena Gomez, and continue making my breakfast and when I'm
done eating and cleaning the whole place. I, sit down in the living room and watch my favorite cartoon "young Justice".

I love it and I love Duck Grayson sue me. * Flashback ends.

"Soph" Garrett says, now sitting down next to me and hugging me tightly in his arms as I swipe away my tears.

I sigh, "My mom called after you left for practice— she said that they were leaving early and were coming down here to see me"

He slowly rubs my back and slowly pulling me away, "Are you okay? Do I need to put twenty locks on the door?"

I laugh slightly as I wipe my tears off, before shaking my head at him. He leans forward until our foreheads touch and places one of his hands on my cheek. "Listen to me Sophia Wilson, you are worth a lot more than your fucked up family thinks you are. You came this far in life, I mean you went through a tone of shit and your still standing, one day your going to be the number one New York Times Bestselling Author and believe me I'm going to be next you through the whole thing." He says whispering.

"I don't care what everyone else thinks about you, I care about you, and you only so if writing makes you happy good, if being far away from them makes you happy I'll gladly build you a house at the top of a fucking mountain—I just want to see you happy" He says, before kissing me with so much passion and gentleness and I melt into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning down into the bed, pulling down on top on top of me not once breaking away from the kiss.

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