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Start playing when you see *
If you see mistakes no you don't 🫶🏼


"YOU have 60 minutes to complete this exam! If you fail well that's on you for not studying" Ms. Fila, from Math class shouts from her desk. Today, I woke up not in a good mood and I guess the boys saw because my name for the rest of the day is "grumpy ass". Honestly, it's not my fault I had to keep waking up from having Garrett almost suffocating me and then he had the audacity, to wake me up at six in the morning to ask me what I wanted for breakfast.

I don't even wake up at six in the morning, let alone at ten I don't know what goes on in that man's head but it's to responsible.

"Sophia, you look confused is there a problem?" Ms. Fila, yells loudly at me from her desk which is all the way at the bottom from where I'm sitting in this huge lecture hall room thing, "No, there's not problem Ms. Fila" I tell her, as I feel eyes looking at me which makes me look around the room to see those nosy ass bitches, which makes them look away.

Yeah that's right bitch fucking fear me.

"Then stop looking confused and get back to you're exam" Ms. Fila says back at me, which causes me to look at her with wide eyes before taking my attention back on my exam.

Looks like someone else, was getting suffocated in their sleep last night. I tell myself, as I try my hardest on this stupid exam that I won't need in the future. I mean, I don't even know how I graduated from High School if I would always fail my math class but yet again I would always cheat of someone or off the internet.

I'm so smart I know.

After, a few more hours of working on my exam I was finally finished and by the I was done it was already dark out.

What the actual fudge.

"Ms. Fila! I'm done!" I shouted, since I was the last person on the fucking campus. I strongly believe she hates me, I asked if I could go to the bathroom twice and she said no because I would've ran away.

I would never—but if I did see an ice cream truck drive by I would've ran away.

"Ms. Wilson, please keep quite there are students still working on their exam" She tells me, as she moves her arm around to the so called students.

"There is nowhere here, I— why would—never mind you have a wonderful night and goodbye" I tell her, as I place my exam on her desk and run out the doors and into the cold night.

"Did some order a pizza?" Someone says, from behind me as I walk past the building. I turn around to tell the stranger they got the wrong person, "Uh sorry you got the—SLENDYY!" I shout, as I ran towards him and jump as he catches me and holds me by my thighs as my legs wrap around him.

He lets out a chuckle, "Hi Angel" he says as he buried his head on my neck and starts walking with me still around him.

"How was you're exam?" He asks me, as he moves a piece of my hair away from my face.

"We'll, it went good except for the fact that I was the only person left and she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom but—wait where you waiting for me out here the whole time?" I tell him, as he stops and slowly releases me as his hands slide up my ass as he holds me their for a minute.

From Hating You To Loving You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora