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MY eyes open to the bright us sun again, I forgot to go buy curtains yesterday when I here being all Cinderella and shit while everyone went out

Fucking ugly ass rats

I get from my bed, and start cleaning my room before getting ready for my meeting today at the University school for me doesn't start at least next week but for everyone else school started last week

I knew fucking weirdos

I pick some blue rip jeans, white crop top before doing my mascara and just leaving my hair down because I'm way to fucking lazy to do anything with it right now

I grab my phone off my side table, before heading downstairs to see—nobody here we'll my parents at least

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SOPHIA?! ARIA!" I hear Johnny yell, as I'm eating some strawberries and dipping them into Nutella

"HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW ASSHOLE! IM NOT HER FUCKING BODY—"Aria stops mid yelling, as she walks to the kitchen and sees me sitting there half way eating my strawberry

"She's downstairs you dumb fuck" She finished her sentence, before glaring at me

The fuck?

"Why are you glaring at me bitch, I didn't do anything" I tell her, as I walk to the sink to wash the knife I used

"Yes you did, you made Johnny yell at me" Aria said, as she typed away on her phone

"That's not my problem asshat, anyway I'm going to the store real quick I'll be back" I reply, as I grab my purse and keys off the counter and left through the main door

I get in my black 2016 Dodge Charger, and turn it on before putting on my music and turning the volume all the way up before speeding out of the neighborhood

Entering Target, I make my way to the book aisle and start grabbing books to my never needing TBR and then I buy more things I need to college and check out

By the time I leave Target, it's already five in the afternoon and my meeting is at seven

Speeding through my neighborhood again, I reach my house and park my car before entering my house again to see everyone in the kitchen eating

"Hey honey where were you?" My mom asks, taking a bite of her pasta

"At the store, needed some things for college" I reply back, as I walk towards the stove and as expected there is no food left for me

"Where you guys that hungry? That you didn't even left me some of the pasta?" I questioned, them as they enjoy their food


"Well honey, there is some leftover pizza in the fridge me and your dad brought today!" My mom says

Leftover pizza

"Left over pizza my ass" I mumble under my breathe

"What was that?" My dad asks, turning around to look at me

From Hating You To Loving You Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat