Sunshine Happy Times

Start from the beginning

"If I live, I'll confess that I-" I open my eyes when nothing happens.

Again, the Shredder disappears, and once more, I see a cloaked figure. It's standing on a dinosaur bone exhibit. Smiling down at me, I can't see their faces, but the smile from the second figure seems familiar. I'm pulled back from my daze by everyone collectively releasing the breaths they were holding. Donnie loosens his tight grip on me and looks down at me while moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"OK, what do we have?" Raph asks. Mikey raises his hand with an idea

"Good ideas first," Raph corrects, and Mikey slowly lowers his hand.

It's decided unanimously....*cough cough* that Leo and Splinter will convince Big Mama to help us in stopping Shredder.

This allows Donnie to bring me to the Lair to check on my injuries. While the machine is scanning me, his mind starts to wander.

Donnie POV

"Ugh...." sighing heavily and pulling the palms of his hands down his face.

Flashbacks of my scream echo in his head. Not even his tinkering on an invention helps distract his racing mind. So he resorts to scanning all of New York for the possible location Splinter will appear in.

The scan is complete, showing a few broken bones, deep bruising, and a few muscle tears. He enhances the scanning to see how severe the damage is. Soon, he can see that something strange is happening. The muscle tears are slowly being sewn back together, an excess amount of calcium is produced, patching up the broken bits of bone, and the bruising is slowly disappearing.

"This is impossible. The human body isn't able to simply fix itself," He says in disbelief

He starts to write on a whiteboard the possible causes of this. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N hovers in and hits the scanner magnifier.

"Come take a look at this."

Donnie starts to spiral a bit when he starts scribbling on the whiteboard but snaps out of it when S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N gets his attention. He looks at the magnifier and sees purple pulsing sticky goo that's slowly pulling the tears together.

"Ah, but of course..." He says while evil laughing, embarrassed, and throwing a small grenade that blows up the whiteboard, getting rid of his data.

"This is an amazing scientific discovery...I must do research"

S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N gives him a look and a single sweat droplet slide from Donnie's brow as he chuckles awkwardly.

"Of course, I'll require Aqua's permission before proceeding." He sits back in his computer chair in front of the computer and starts to tap away on the keyboard on the newfound research.

Aqua POV

While this is all unfolding, I watch my body being scanned and look as the microscope records my body healing itself.

"This is so trippy but cool. I'll let Donnie do his evil science stuff to figure out exactly what is causing this. But for now, what were those two figures?

Before I could think of possible suspects, I jumped a bit when an alarm sounded on Donnie's wrist.

"Mikey, Raph, April, let's move, I've located Shredder at the docks," Donnie shouts into his wrist communicator while grabbing his tech bo.

While he rushes out of his lab, looking back at me and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N

"Keep an eye on her, please...son," He says tenderly, and the gang rushes out of the lair.

S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N nods and turns his attention to me. Not having anything to do, I sit on the ground and start meditating.

"Concentrate, calm your mind, feel your powers as an extension of yourself..."

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