Ninja Squad

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Operation Sneak into the underground Foot Clan base was in motion. April, Splints, and I plan on sneaking in with the boys to assess the current armor completion situation. April and I are waiting on a rooftop adjacent to the Foot Clan headquarters when Splinter crashes into them in his flying squirrel outfit. Jumping down to meet him, April exclaims while removing her Foot Clan disguise mask. "You didn't leave any goons for me!"

I give her a look of feigned hurt and clutch my heart. "I mean us," April corrects. I giggle and poke one of the goons with my foot.

"We got all jacked up to kick some foot butt and you can't put that feeling back in the bottle!" April angrily says while taking her anger out on an unconscious Foot goon by jumping on him.

"Do not worry, you two, there is plenty more inside," Splints says while gesturing towards an open window.

We made our way toward the location of the dark armor, which was deep underground in a dark and eerie cavern that was illuminated by candles that were placed in a walkway towards the altar that held the dark armor As I peered over the ledge just looking at it made my skin crawl.

Spotting my dads and Draxum admiring the armor, we see that it's almost complete. But one thing is missing-well, I mean four somethings....are missing the boys.

"Where are the boys they should be here by now?" Splints asks while looking around for them

"They know how important this mission is. They'll be here," April says, reassuring Splints

*Meanwhile, at the lair*

Raph is happily dancing towards the fridge and singing about some cake, but as soon as he touches the delicious morsel, he is thrown into a wall from an explosion and is stuck. Mikey starts laughing and congratulations himself on a job well done with his prank. Leo also congratulates his brother and gives his little bro a high five to celebrate... but surprise!! It was a dummy Leo 😏....hehehe and once Mikey's hand makes contact with it, it explodes and sends him flying into a pike of pizza boxes. Leo is sitting in his dad's recliner belly laughing, and the cushion under him explodes, and he's sent skyrocketing into the ceiling and lands hard onto the grated floor.

"And victory, that gentleman is why I am the king of -" Before Donnie can finish his winning monologs, Raph falls onto him, effectively crushing him.

"OK guys, enough messing around, we need to train for Friday's Foot mission," Raph says in his leader's voice

"But today is Friday," Mikey says while emerging from the toppled pike of pizza boxes

No, it's not. It's Thursday. " Leo matter of factly says

"No, it's Friday," Mikey counters

"But the mission is on Friday," Leo says back

"Wait if today is Friday then..." Raph says as he reaches out to touch the teddy calendar, but Leo tries to warn him not to touch it. But it was too late, and an explosion occurred, sending Raph into the projector screen,
causing his panic button to go off.

*Back to the cavern*

We see Splinter's panic button alarm go off, and Splinter wants to retreat, but April and I suggest that we stay to keep an eye on the armor. Once he leaves, a new development happens.

"Start packing up the dark armor. We are moving it to its final location for grand the ceremony," Papa Brutus says

"Moving? Final location? Grand ceremony?" We both look at each other in horror as they place the armor in bubble wrap and boxes.

*Back at the lair*

Splinter arrives at the Lair and sees the destruction the pranks have caused but thinks his sons have been fluffed to pieces. But no, the boys appear from behind the wreckage of the comfy recliner and feather pile with looks of sadness and embarrassment.

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