Chapter 1 : the fires of grief

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Ava Astoria looked at the cut on her knee, the ruby red blood a stark contrast to her pale skin. Not too deep but bearable, nothing a healing spell couldn't fix. Ava is a skilled chaos elemental witch and a superb fighter. She had been trained by the very best Witchers at their sanctuary called Kaer Morhen. She had come to Kaer Morhen after her sister had been executed for using fire magic.

Fire magic was forbidden as it was too uncontrollable, but she had used it because it was necessary, her sister had been in trouble.
As she thought about her sister a dull ache pierced her chest. She mourned her sister every night.

Her sister had been her guiding light without their parents, who had been elvish royalty, Queen Nianthe and King Avalon. They were brutally executed after their kingdom of Ilvor had been captured by the Black Prince. The black Prince had taken her parents tortured them and then decapitated her mother and father, putting the heads on stakes as a warning to any elven nobility who tried to resist him. Ever since then Ava and her sister Belladonna Astoria, the only surviving children of the Astorion line, had been orphans, until their coven found them. Every night Ava had the same nightmare. But she pushed that thought away and focused on healing her minor wound

After dressing her cut with a poultice made from various herbs and a little bit of healing magic, she lay down on her blankets and stared up at the ceiling of her makeshift shelter. Ava was on a mission to find the Black Prince and avenge her family and bloodline.
"However", Ava thought, "that won't be possible if I never sleep well". After a couple of hours of staring blankly upwards, Ava fell into a sleep plagued with nightmares or flashbacks; she was not sure which. Every night since she had watched her sister be murdered in front of her, she relived those amazing moments with her sister alive; but also relived her death and execution....

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