Part 24

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Maintaining order in the camp was not unlike herding chickens in an unfenced yard. Maintaining order when her subjects were scattered all over the jianghe? Meng Yao was god's blessing; he helped her keep track of all the incoming and outgoing messages, making sure to update the map they'd cobbled together.

The strike teams were ruthlessly effective. Sometimes, they were able to take out only a few Wen soldiers. Sometimes they were able to kill several hundred in a night. They stayed shielded behind Wei WuXian's talismans, allowing them freedom of movement a normal patrol would never have.

The biggest issue, however, was with Jin ZiXuan's mother. Yu FangSu arrived in the middle of the night in a rainstorm, demanding to take the reins of the campaign. As part of that, she demanded Meng Yao's expulsion from Jiang YanLi's side.

"No. My strategy advisor stays with me."

"Don't speak to your elders like that," the older woman snapped.

Jiang YanLi was fighting yawns and shivers; she'd been asleep only a few hours when her mother's friend arrived. "You are here at my convenience. Your job is to send and receive the messenger butterflies. If you can't, or won't, do that? Find me someone who will."

Yu FengSu sniffed, and raised her head, looking so much like her childhood friend. "I will assist you, dearest child. But, as your mother's substitute... I cannot allow you to cavort with such... persons."

Jiang YanLi lost the battle with a yawn. "Madame Yu. If you have an issue with your husband's son, I suggest you take your anger out on the man who abused your trust instead of the one who has done nothing to earn your ire." She was vaguely aware of Meng Yao allowing his frozen facial facade to show shock at her defense. You are my advisor, Meng Yao. I promised to protect you. And I will. Even against the woman I thought to call my mother-in-law. A good leader protects all of her people.

"He's a bastard," Yu FangSu hissed. "And his mother was a prostitute. Such people should be kept far away from decent people."

Jiang YanLi yawned again, not even trying to prevent it. "I fully intend to keep my distance from the man who was unfaithful to your marriage, and who refused to make Meng Shi a concubine after he impregnated her. Jin GuangShan's actions made Meng Yao a bastard. His morality is severely lacking. That you absolve your husband of his responsibility and blame someone who did not choose to be born into that mess, makes me question your morality.

"I bid you goodnight, Madame Yu. If you really cannot behave properly around my advisor, I will find another person to handle the butterflies. I find Meng Yao far more a pleasant companion and advisor than any Jin at this moment."

Meng Yao held her umbrella as she trudged through the rain and mud to her tent. "You did not have to say such things to your mother-in-law."

Jiang YanLi smiled, exhaustion showing through. "I am not marrying Jin ZiXuan anymore. My need to keep my brothers alive through this war is far more important than keeping my mother's friend happy. You, Meng Yao, are far more important to me." She shook her head softly. "I'm not saying it properly, am I? I like to think that we've become friends over the last few weeks. Aside from your abilities as my strategic advisor, you are valuable to me."

"The fortune teller told me that I... did bad things in that other future. Bad things to you and your family."

"Did she? I know what you're capable of, Meng Yao, both good and evil. I still choose to have you as a friend. I choose to trust you. Will you break my trust?"

He didn't answer for a long time. Then... "Jiang Gunian... I swear on my mother that I will never break your trust. I will be loyal to you until the day I die." He handed her the umbrella, knelt in the mud, and bowed his head.

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