Part 3

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Jiang YanLi settled her skirts again, deliberately taking her time. "You were partially correct last time," she finally stated. "My serious brother got into a verbal altercation with my former intended. My carefree brother is the one that punched him."

"No... I got it right the first time," the older woman corrected her with a frown. "You see smiles and cheerfulness and think it means carefree when actually it is the exact opposite."

"How so?"

"I hear things. The younger brother studies hard while the older plays around and yet they are nearly evenly matched? If the elder took his studies more seriously, do you honestly think they would still be matched? No. He is very careful to learn just enough to be near equals. While being helpful enough that it might mitigate your mother's hatred should your father pass unexpectedly. Those are the actions of someone very serious indeed. The younger goofs off almost as much as the older, but he has the assurance of his birthright to fall back on."

Jiang YanLi took a sip of her tea to give herself time to think. What was that she had thought when cleaning A'Xian's back? Something about intervening and accepting responsibility even when it was A'Cheng who got them in trouble? She could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks as she processed the rebuke. "I understand," she finally whispered.

"Wen RuoHan wants to be seen as important as the Emperor."

"Cultivators don't have Emperors," Jiang YanLi corrected. "That's for mortals."

"Apparently you haven't read the same books I have," the older woman muttered under her breath. "TaXian-Jun definitely became Emperor before he suicided."


"It's not important," the older woman brushed off the younger's question. "If you wish to keep your brothers safe, you need to make a decision and quickly. There will be a decree soon that no one is allowed to nighthunt other than the QishanWen. And then a letter demanding every heir and strong junior disciples to attend an indoctrination session in the Nightless City. If your brothers attend, if they are here when the second letter arrives, death and destruction for everyone and everything you care about will occur. Your youngest brother and son will be the sole survivors from your family."

Jiang YanLi dropped her cup, spilling the tea and shattering the jade. "How do you know this?" she cried.

"I read this book, too," the older woman admitted in that same, almost silent, voice. Louder, she added, "I don't know how it will end if your brothers never receive the indoctrination letter. It is possible that the end will be the end regardless. But if they go? Cloud Recesses and Lotus Pier die in flames. Your parents are murdered. The elder brother loses everything that's important to him: family, friends, his soul, and eventually his life, and is seen as responsible for the murder of thousands of people, including you and your husband. If they're far away when the letter arrives? Maybe you can alter fate."

Jiang YanLi left the fortune teller assured that the woman was utterly mad. And then, shortly after her youngest brother returned from the Cloud Recesses lectures, came the decree that no one was allowed to go nighthunting.

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