Part 19

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Wei WuXian was shocked, almost to the point of paralysis, when he heard of the potential future. It wasn't that he was scared of dying.... The thought of his shijie dying? Of his home being destroyed? Of his friends dying?

He wouldn't allow such a future to pass.

Xia KeXin was the first person in his quest to make that future never occur. "I need to know what leads to my death, so I can prevent everyone else's," he demanded.

"Have you gone to the Qishan archery contest yet? Have you met a boy named Wen Ning, courtesy QiongLin?"


"Good." She sighed. "They helped you a great deal."


Wei WuXian peeked at his friend as they packed. Were you really my husband? Are you really in love with me? It was weird... made his stomach feel funny. He knew he'd loved his parents and he knew he loved ShiJie. But what was this feeling he had for Lan Zhan? Was it love? It was a need... almost a compulsion... to look, to touch, to want Lan Zhan to look back, to touch back. His fingers itched to pull one of the ends of Lan Zhan's ribbon, just to see what he would do this time. It had been an accident back in Qishan.... Lan Zhan had been so angry.... Angry because he didn't understand what the ribbons represented. He did now. In that other future, he'd been granted the right to touch whenever he felt like it. He'd belonged to Lan Zhan: body and soul. He wasn't exactly sure what marriage between two men looked like.... If it was Lan Zhan? He was willing to find out. Aching to find out. "Lan Zhan... you really will have to change into normal clothing before we leave. If you go out like that, everyone will know you're a Lan disciple."


"And that means removing your forehead ribbon, too. Do you want me to carry it for you?" He was gratified to see Lan Zhan's ears turning pink with embarrassment. He was startled to hear the monosyllabic non-response sound like a 'yes'.


Did Lan Zhan want it, too?

Jiang YanLi called out, "Lan Er Gongzi? May I have a moment of your time?" She was talking to the second jade quietly; Wei Ying had excellent hearing, as did all cultivators.

Marrriage? ShiJie would allow us to marry? It didn't occur to him that he should be embarrassed about his martial sister speaking so matter-of-factly about his future. Lan Zhan looked embarrassed to be found out, not embarrassed to feel like that.

There was no time to talk about ribbons and what they meant. Between finishing up packing and getting the communication box from Meng Yao, they were very busy. Once they were on the road, it didn't seem like the right time or place to talk.

The third day out from the camp, it started drizzling. And then the drizzle became rain. Which became a downpour. Drenched and shivering, the two boys happily spied a cottage. Empty of all but vermin and with holes in the roof in one corner, the boys decided it was as good as a castle. Talismans evicted the mice and dried wood. While Lan Zhan started a fire, Wei Ying gathered the rotting remnants of the bedding and threw them outside. "The bed looks sturdy enough," he mused, pressing on it looking for soft spots. "Big enough for the whole family, too, probably. Do you see a broom? I'll sweep a bit or do you think the roof is stable enough for me to get up and see if I can fix some of the holes?"

"There's what used to be a broom over there," Lan Zhan pointed to the rainy corner. "It looks like the mice used most of the straw for their nests."

The broom remnants were sufficient to sweep most of the dirt off the bed frame and remove cobwebs. "What do you think happened to the family?" Wei WuXian asked to pass the time. "I think the husband and wife moved here as newlyweds. They lived happily with their daughters."

"Why daughters?"

"Because a son would expect to inherit the place? Daughters would marry and move out. Maybe there was a son who died before he had a son of his own? Anyways, the couple lived here for decades and died peacefully in their sleep, holding each other's hands."

"That's morbid. If they died here, where are the remains?"

"Of course, the daughters checked up on their parents. And gave them a proper burial." Wei WuXian smiled at his fantasy. It was awfully close to his own dreams. "Lan Zhan? When you get too old to night hunt, are you going to just retire to Cloud Recesses and teach? I think I want something like this. A house and a farm and a river or lake so I can catch fish. Go on night hunts when I want. Come home to my family...."

"You don't want to live at Lotus Pier?"

"I mean after. Jiang Cheng's son will want his own people in charge, won't he?" Wei WuXian looked at his friend, still dripping wet. "We should change into dry clothing. Just because we can't get sick doesn't mean it's healthy to stay in wet clothing." He began fighting with his belt, the leather swollen and unresponsive.

"What are you doing?" Lan Zhan sounded scandalized.

"I'm changing. I'm cold and wet and I want to be warm and dry. Turn your back if you're going to faint like a girl."

Lan Zhan whirled, ears exposed by his wet hair clinging to his scalp brilliantly scarlet. "It's not proper."

"We're both men." The belt finally released and clanged to the floor. "Haven't you changed in front of other disciples before?" The ties holding his robes closed were knotted tightly. "I can't get this!" he whined. "Everything is stuck tight." He huffed sadly at limp bangs. "I'm going to have to try to dry up a bit before the ties will loosen. You can turn around. I'm still dressed."

"No, I don't change in front of other disciples," Lan Zhan retorted. "It's not appropriate."

Wei Ying collapsed in front of the fire fluffing his soggy robes as best as possible. "Lan Zhan? Back at camp, you said you'd give me your ribbon to carry, but you didn't 'cause ShiJie said you can't? What's the deal with the ribbons anyways?" He knew, of course. Xia KeXin had been very insistent that he understand exactly what touching those ribbons meant.

"You should know what they mean," Lan Zhan sounded irritated as he sank gracefully to the floor next to Wei Ying in front of the fire. "You copied the Rules so many times."

"As if I paid attention," Wei Ying laughed. This close, the firelight almost danced, reflected in his friend's eyes. So cute. They were close enough that a small sideways rock would make their shoulders brush together.

"That's what Jiang YanLi said. They represent restraint."

Wei Ying looked at his friend. "Does that mean you're not restrained right now? You can do whatever you want? We can do anything we want?"

Lan Zhan looked back. "Wei Ying," he chastised. "Don't tease." He swallowed once, twice, Adam's apple bobbing.

I want to kiss it. Feel it moving beneath my lips when he does that. The thought was enticing. "What if I'm not teasing?" He swallowed, too, and saw his friend's gaze drop to follow his throat's motion. "What if I remember exactly who can touch your ribbon?" He hadn't meant to make that admission.... Now that it was out, though....

"Don't tease," sounded like a plea for something else.

For a kiss, perhaps. "I'm not teasing, Lan Zhan...." He shifted to his knees and kept his eyes firmly on his friend's as he leaned forward.

Lan Zhan's lips tasted like rain water and smoke. They were soft and damp and thrilling. He could feel the kiss all the way to his toes. "I like you so much, Lan Zhan," he sighed as his eyes fluttered shut.

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