My Forever-Part 20

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Freen's POV

I waved goodbye to Becky and drove off, left her with Richie, they have not seen each other for so long, cos he was abroad for some business trip and I did not want to distract Becky so she could spend some alone time with her brother. I knew they have been very close since they were kids and supported each other in everything. I respect Richie a lot, he treats Becky so well. He is a very good brother to her.

I drove as my mind kept thinking about what happened earlier. I noticed Billy when we were having the photoshoot, his was standing behind in the corner of the right side of the room and staring at Becky without taking his eye off of her. He did not have work to do for today so it was easy to guess why he was there. All day I tried not to give attention his presence there but it was hard not to when I knew who the target of his desire was. His stare made my blood boil, I wanted to storm there and tell him straight in his face that the girl whose heart he was trying to win, was already taken and her heart belonged to me. But unfortunately I could not, my cowardness did not let me do so, the fear of people judging us would not leave me. I knew Becky did not deserve this and maybe she deserved someone better than me, someone who would fight for their relationship better then me. But I could not stand the thought of her being with someone else. I am a coward and selfish.

I sighed in frustration and tightened my grip on the steering wheel.

I did not expect Billy to follow us outside when we finished working, I almost forgot he was there watching Becky's working process and when I heard his voice and he got closer to her, my anger came back and my blood started boiling again. I suppose my actions surprised Becky, but honestly, it surprised me as well. I was never like this before with anyone, but whenever I think about someone can take her away from me, I lose control. I even did not say hi or goodbye to Richie properly.

As soon I got home, I texted Becky to let her know I was home, I did not want her to worry about me again

'Hey bb. I just got home. Hope you are having a nice time'

It did not take long when I got the reply

'Babe, are you good? Me and Richie are in a café, having a nice chat'

'I'm good Bec, honestly, don't worry about me and enjoy'

'Of course I worry, you mean everything to me Freen'  

'I already miss you so much' I typed and sent it

'I miss you too, my love' whenever she says something like this my heart starting beating uncontrollably as if it's trying to jump out of my chest

I did not want to distract her anymore, I had to let her be with her brother

'babe, will you call me when you get home tonight so we could talk? Now I think it's better if I let you go or Richie won't forgive me, cos I'm stealing all your attention HAHA'

'HAHA. He's good, does not complain, so don't worry about him. And yes, I will call as soon as I got home'

I read the message but did not reply, she would call later and we could talk more then.

I was starving, so I made a sandwich for myself, ate it and had a bath after. I was exhausted so I put some pj's on and went straight in bed. Before Becky would call, I busied myself with my phone, I opened the gallery, it was full of with mine and Becky's photos. A huge smile appeared on my face when I saw her watching back at me through the photos. In every photo she looked so beautiful, so stunning, so gorgeous. Seeing her beautiful smile took my breath away. I could watch her photos all day without a break and I would never get tired. God, what this girl was doing to me? I was in my thoughts when the phone rang and I answered straight away

'So, my girl is at home already?' I asked smiling

'Yes, she is' she sounded tired

'You sound very tired Bec, do you want us to say goodnight?'

'I am, so you must be babe, but please let's stay for a few more minutes, I miss you'

'Alright. How was the evening with Richie?' I asked

'It was really good, we had a nice chat. He told me he's flying to England soon for a week again'

'Is he? He travels a lot. Um.... Bec, I think I have to apologize to him about how I behaved today with him'

'What do you mean, Freen?'

'I mean, I was so angry that I did not give him any attention when he got there, that was very rude of me'

'Uh, don't worry about that, I'm sure he knows that the situation was tensed up itself to get upset over it'

'Maybe, but it was still very rude of me. Hope he is not upset with me' it still worried me a little

'Don't worry about that baby' I could not see her but I felt her smile through the phone

'Okay, then. How about tomorrow? Where do you want to go? I asked her

'As long as you are with me it does not matter' she responded softly

'I know one place, it's a nice place and I think you'll like it there, also I think we won't get any attention from people around, cos no-one will recognize us in there'

'Sounds amazing, can't wait for tomorrow my love' and again those words that caused my heartbeat to rise

'Now, let's get some sleep bb. I'll pick you up at 3pm tomorrow, okay?'

'Sure, 3pm it is then'

'Goodnight love'


Even after we ended the call smile never left my face. The girl, who I never thought I would fall in love with, the girl who I never thought could be more than a friend to me, but now was the only person that had occupied my thoughts.

My ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora