My Forever-Part 14

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Becky's POV

The days off flies by so quickly. It's Monday and I'm back to work. Me and Freen have another kiss scene to film today. We have not been in teach since I last saw her in the restaurant. She's never called or texted me and neither have I. I am not sure what's happened there, maybe she needed some time off, so I tried to distance myself from her.

I understood, she kissed me and it was a mistake for her, I know her and I know she blamed herself for everything, So I thought it would be better if I did not disturb her for a while, even though I missed her terribly.

I don't know what exactly happened in the restaurant between Freen and Seng, or why they were in that same place as me and Billy, when Seng knew perfectly well that me and Billy were going to meet in there, well at least that's what Billy told me.

I saw so much pain and sadness in her eyes that day. All I wanted to run to her, hug her and kiss every inch of her beautiful face to take the pain away. But I could not, I did not know how she would react, so instead I just froze on the place and stared in her expressive eyes.

At work both of us tried to hide the huge cavity that developed between us lately. Both of us acted very professional, as if nothing happened, but watching Nam's staring at me and then at her, I guessed she knew everything. She is a good friend of Freen, so it was not a surprise for me.

All the crew members were on the stage, all of them except Seng. we were starting to film the kiss scene. I noticed Billy was staring at our direction from the corner of the room when we heard the director

'Action!' and we got into the role

She slowly approached me, wrapped her hands on my waist and leaned me closer her. I got lost in her mesmerizing eyes as I stared in them intensely. I closed my eyes as my heart started pounding faster against my chest in knowing I could feel her lips touching mine soon. She came even closer and I eventually our lips met. My heartbeat increased as soon as I tested her sweetness and it took my breath away.

According to the script the kiss had to be a simple one, a peck on the lips, but it lasted a little longer, as if we both tried to savor the sensation for long time.

'Cut!' the voice echoed in my head, but none of us moved

I felt she remove her hands from my waist and cupped my face as she pulled away a little, but leaned back closer again and peck my lips one more time. I had my eyes closed as she continued cupping my face with her hands and she placed her forehead against mine.

'Cut! Cut! Girls!' I heard the voice again

When I opened my eyes, I could see her beautiful ones were staring back at me, she was smiling. We pulled away, but that moment all I wanted to stay in that position with her for the rest of my life. But unfortunately, it was only for the show and I had to accept the reality.

As we pulled apart, I looked around, everyone were looking at us in disbelief. Billy still kept staring at me, as if he tried to understand what really just happened. But I couldn't care less.

The working hours were over as we gathered together in the hall, we were about to leave and go to our separate ways, when Heng said

'Guys you do remember that we are invited in a private party in a club this Sunday, don't you?' but all of us stayed quiet as he looked at each of us as if he wanted to read the answer in our eyes

'Come on guys, it's gonna be fun' he did not give up

He kept convincing us for about few minutes and eventually we agreed.

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