My Forever-Part 12

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Freen's POV

I was getting ready. after Seng called, we agreed to meet and talk about things, he apologized and asked me for another chance. I agreed to have a talk, thought I needed to give more effort to sort things out to work this relationship. I needed to do this, it would help me to get over the current situation I got myself into. Maybe It was not the fair decision, but I needed to.

Seng send me the address where we were going to meet up. He said it was a nice restaurant in down town.

I noticed he was waiting outside the restaurant as I parked the car and stepped out. He approached me smiling

'Hi babe. I'm so happy that you are here'

'Hi' I smiled back

After an awkward silence he gestured me towards the restaurant's entrance. I walked past him as he followed behind

'This way' he pointed to the left side when we entered

It really was a fancy place, with fancy interior designed. The table we occupied was on the left side of the hall and from this place the view was nice, you could see everything, the entrance, who was coming in and going out, all the tables were showed perfectly.

'I know I apologized already, but want you to know I truly realized that I overreacted' he said with his serious face expression 'I know Becky is your friend, you've been friends since forever now and I did not have a right to react as I did'

I stared at him as I said nothing and he continued

'I just want to explain myself, if you let me' I nodded at his questioning gaze

'I don't know why, but I had the feeling she likes you more than just a friend, I mean whenever she looks at you it's something more than just a friendly look. I used to think she had feeling for you and I just....'

'What are you talking about?' I cut him off and frowned my eyebrows. Why did he think that Becky like me more than just a friend? In fact it was me who's developed feeling for her, not her.

'I don't want to lose you Freen' he said softly

'But you will if you keep acting that way. I have friends, Seng and you can't forbid me to spend time with them. You should stop controlling my life' I stated sternly

'I know, I know you right' he looked down to his hands that he had placed on his knees

After a bit of a silence we choose what to eat and ordered as a waitress came up.

I was playing with my phone when a familiar face got my attention as she entered the restaurant. Becky! She was there and not alone. Billy accompanied her. I could not believe it. From all of so many restaurants in the town why she was here?

She did not saw me, nor Billy did. They got to their table and took a seat. I was kind of shocked. I looked at Seng as he watched me and then looked toward their direction. His face showed nothing, as if he was not surprised not even a little bit.

'You did know, did not you? You brought me here on purpose, did not you?' I asked him angrily

'No, I did not' this was all he could say

'And you said you knew you were wrong and you apologized and asked me to give you one more chance. I was so stupid to think we could try and sort things out between us to keep the relationship. But what did you do??? YOU still brought me here, you knew they would be here. You did this on purpose, don't you' I was so furious, I wanted to shout at him but kept quiet not to get their attention

'I did not, but still what's the problem if you see them having a date if there is nothing more than a friendship between you two?'

So they were having a date. Becky agreed to be with him. I felt unbelievable pain in my chest. My heart ached.

'I'm not talking about if I see them together it is a problem, Seng, but THE fact itself that you lied before, as if you regretted how you behaived, but you still dragged me here on purpose. This is what I'm saying!!!'

He said nothing, just was shaking his head and if before I was not 100% sure, I was now

'What are you trying to get from all of this? What are you trying to prove?' I waited his response for a bit, but when I got nothing, I continued

'You know what? This......' and I pointed my finger towards him and then back ' NOT going to work between us! I'm done with your stupid behaviors!'

As I finished the sentence I got up and started walking to the exit.

'Freen, please.....' I heard his plea but I did not turn around

When I got closer to the door, I looked at the right side where that person who I was trying to avoid all this time, was sitting with her new boyfriend. I stopped on my steps and stared at her, shock was evidence on her face, she did not expect me to be there. I gathered all my strength, turned around and left.

My ForeverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin