Chapter 26

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(A/N: Hey y'all! Sorry the updates are taking so long, I've been procrastinating on everything, including what I enjoy doing lmao. Anyway, this story's blown up a lot! Please comment on stuff and don't hesitate to have full-on conversations with each other in the comments! I know some authors hate when people (aka me) have entire conversations in the comments, but I enjoy it when y'all talk with each other. Also, I'd rather see all these conversations rather than the radio silence over here, haha. Now enough of my ranting. Thank you so much for reading! Enjoy!)

Third POV //it's about 8:50 in the morning//

"Where's Naruto?" Tsunade asked as she flipped through her stack of documents, looking for a specific one.

Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke all shared a look. Then Sasuke sighed, "I'll go get him."

Sasuke shunshinned to Naruto's room, where said room's owner had just put on his pants after his shower.

Naruto took a full second to comprehend, then yelled, "Gah, Sasuke! Look away!" Sasuke grumbled and turned away, muttering about stupid late blondes.

"Not my fault you woke up late. The sun was out 3 hours ago. And there's literally nothing even remotely interesting for me to see." Sasuke pinched the bridge of his nose, then turned to the now fully-dressed Naruto, wearing an angry scowl. 

"Hey, I'll tell you that I have my fair share of bulging muscles, thank you very much." Naruto huffed as he shunshinned them both to the Hokage's office, narrowly dodging a violent toss of Tsunade's chair.

"YOU'RE LATE!" Tsunade roared as she took her chair back from a disgruntled Kakashi.

"You literally told me to rest yesterday." Naruto deadpanned. Tsunade pretended not to hear and finally sat down to give them their mission.

"Gaara's in a tight situation. He's had Akatsuki following him for the past few days, but they haven't made any moves yet. It's the blonde ponytail one and the puppet kid." Tsunade skimmed over the letter sent by the young Kazekage.

Team 7 only stared, but Naruto nodded. He was made aware of this situation a long time ago when Gaara had first sent a sand clone to him about a month ago.

"Why hasn't anyone taken action yet, Hokage-sama? We were made aware of this a month ago." Naruto noted.

"Because apparently your great Kazekage-sama was able to ambush them, but now he's compromised. I want you four to go and help him out, and eliminate the 2 akatsuki members if you can. You leave tomorrow." Tsunade order. All 4 shinobi bowed and shunshinned to their respective homes, already packing for their journey.

//The Next Day//

It was only 06:30 in the morning, but Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke were already on the outskirts of Suna. Naruto was using his father's jutsu and shunshin-ning them great distances, but he could only move so much without depleting his energy. His chakra may have been endless, but he felt physically and mentally drained after every shunshin.

"H-Hold on-" Naruto gasped, then nearly bonked into a tree branch before Sasuke caught his jacket. "Break time- I can't continue-"

They all stopped under a large tree and Naruto collapsed breathing heavily. "5 minutes-" He gasped.

Sasuke and Sakura found this odd. "Naruto, weren't you light years ahead of us?" Sakura asked gently. She didn't want to seem insensitive, but she was curious about why Naruto was so winded.

"It takes me hell to transport 3 other people other than me about 100 kilometres every jump, Sakura-chan..." Naruto complained. Sasuke gently put him down on the big tree's roots and Naruto lay on his side, trying to recalibrate and recover. That last jump of 200 kilometres shredded his insides; his organs felt torn apart.

All of a sudden, Naruto could sense a foreign chakra within the tree, but he wasn't able to warn anyone in time. A band of clay with explosive chakra wrapped Naruto's torso to the tree and squeezed, cutting off his air supply. He gasped and thrashed, alerting the other 3.

Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke were immediately on guard, and Sasuke even managed to get a kunai into the attacker's thigh, eliciting a yelp of pain from the attacker.

"Look what we have here, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki... I think we can knock out 2 birds with one stone, right?" The identifiable Deidara sneered at the lot of them. "Like my present, Kyuubi? It'll explode if you test my patience, so you'd better listen up to me if you want him to survive." 

"They know it's clay, Deidara. YOU can't cause it to explode unless you imprint your chakra into It, which you conveniently forgot to do since we NEED HIM ALIVE!" Sasori yelled in absolute annoyance. 

"And you conveniently LET THEM IN ON IT!"

"YOU'RE DENSE ENOUGH THAT I HAD TO SAY IT OUT LOUD-" Sasori was cut off by an absolute sucker punch from Sakura, breaking part of his face.

"Thanks for the little secret. I'll keep that in mind when I drag your dead body to the sea." Sasuke smirked as he pounced on Deidara, making sure to land specifically on the kunai he shot into Deidara's leg.

Then all hell broke loose. Sasuke was battling Deidara in one part of the clearing, Sakura was battling Sasori in another part, and Kakashi was trying to loosen the clay band around Naruto's chest, trying to keep him from suffocating. Kakashi finally created a pocket of space between Naruto's torso and the clay, so Naruto could breathe enough to survive. Sakura was doing ok, she was pounding the crap out of all the puppets that Sasori 

Sasuke, on the other hand, was slowly being overpowered, but he blamed this entirely on Kakashi for draining his chakra the other day. "ARGH!!" Sasuke yelled as a clay bird exploded right in front of him and threw him several metres away.

Kakashi quickly ran over, continuing to hold the pocket of space for Naruto as he helped Sasuke up. "Are you alright?" Kakashi yelled quickly as he hoisted Sasuke onto his feet and then concentrated on Naruto.

//I'm terrible at fight scenes, so we're gonna skip until the upcoming end of the fight.//

!!!BAM!!! A punch landed on the white circle where Sasori's heart lay and crushed it, thus ending Sasori's borrowed life. Sakura looked in awe at her fists and how strong she had become.

Deidara unleashed a precious amount of curses and grunts, then hopped on his clay bird, yelling back to Team 7, "Until next time, you 4! I don't feel like fighting anymore. Make sure to come to the Kazekage's office if you want the Ichibi alive, hehehe. Oh, and before I forget, here's a special gift for you. Because art... IS AN EXPLOSION!" 

The band around Naruto's chest started glowing, and an explosion the size of a boulder erupted, clearing a giant crater around Naruto. Sakura and Kakashi were able to avoid it, but Sasuke didn't move in time and he was blown forward by the force of the explosion.

"NARUTO!!!" The three of them yelled, and once the debris cleared, they looked at the centre of the explosion, anticipating to see his mangled body. 

But he had survived. 

Naruto had survived.

His top layers were obliterated, but he wasn't torn to pieces. He was passed out, but he was alive, if Sasuke and Kakashi's Sharingan gave any indication.

The three of them rushed to Naruto, and Sakura immediately got to work on healing the crimson burns all over Naruto's body. With great effort, the burns began to heal and close, but his breathing hadn't returned.

Sasuke himself had several injuries to his back, but he cared little for them as he started chest compressions on Naruto.

Soon enough, Naruto gasped and shot up. Everything hurt, but he was alive. Sasuke was so glad Naruto was breathing that he fell over, though some of that may have been due to his injuries. Sakura got to them quickly enough.

"What happened?" Naruto gasped. "Wait..."

"Where's Gaara?"

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