Chapter 8

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Third POV

"Lord Third wanted him to do it, but I don't understand why. A fresh genin," Kakashi purposely covered up the fact that Naruto was an ANBU, "Deceased parents, just started his real life, WHAT was Lord third thinking? And I can only do so much for him, oh... I'm the worst brother ever-" he kept mumbling.

The faintest of noises interrupted Kakashi's rant. Both sets of open eyes widened as they saw the source.

Naruto had woken up.


Third POV

"Naruto!" Kakashi nearly yelled as he rushed to the said person's side. 

"Y...c...o...broth..." Naruto was too weak to make his voice louder. "Huh?" Kakashi and Sasuke said, the latter had come to Naruto's other side just moments after Kakashi.

Naruto gathered his strength. "I said," in a soft whisper, "That Kakashi was clearly one of the best brothers I could ever hope to have."

Kakashi couldn't help it now. Small gem-sized tears fell out of his lone eye, his mask and hitaite hiding the tears from his other eye. It seems that Obito is also crying for Naruto. Those 2 would've loved each other. Kakashi thought in his head, but stopped further thought of Obito as a familiar weight fell on his heart.

"Now spill." Kakashi gathered his thoughts and ordered Naruto. Sasuke cut in before Kakashi could finish. "How were you fighting a person with Ice Style?" 

"It's one of the many missions I do for Hokage-sama." Naruto whispered.

"I have some food I brought from home, can you eat?" Kakashi asked. Naruto gave the weakest of nods. "Why are you here, Sasuke? Shouldn't you rest up for your first day of missions tomorrow?" Naruto turned to Sasuke.

"There are more things important than missions. Comrades are the key to missions." Sasuke said, surprising the other 2. They were a perfect mirror of Obito's, and now Kakashi's words. 

Kakashi Smiled. "Looks like Obito's blood runs in you too." 

"Who's Obito?" Naruto and Sasuke asked at the same time. Kakashi stared, then sighed. "I never did tell you about him, did I?" Naruto shook his head lightly.

Kakashi prodded at the wild boar he had managed to kill and was toasting it on the fire. "Well, where to start? Let me tell- NARUTO!" Kakashi yelled as Sasuke gulped and choked on a little air. When everything cleared for the Uchiha, he looked worriedly at Naruto, who was tossing around in his cocoon of blankets, while Kakashi was trying to hold the blonde. Sasuke tried to run to Naruto without going through the fire. The latter's strangled cries broke Sasuke's heart, even though that had never happened to an Uchiha (Unless you count Shisui and Itachi, they were exceptions. And the women of the Uchiha clan, because they were very NOT heartless). 

Kakashi and Sasuke's eyes widened as they saw a fiery red chakra spread around the cocoon of blankets. Naruto calmed down, thought He lay on his side facing the fire and breathed so heavily he coughed as he inhaled some fo the fumes.

"What was that?" Kakashi Asked. Naruto sighed, then coughed some more. Kakashi rolled him to face upward.

"This is a theory, but I'm pretty sure it's true." Sasuke could clearly hear the raspiness in the blonde's voice.

"I think, the Ice-style user made their ice invade my body through my arm. Then it moved from my arm to my heart. Just now it squeezed my heart, causing me intense pain. But I thought I got away from him, he can't form Ice if I'm so far away..."  Naruto's voice failed him, and he fell silent, collecting his energy. 

"You didn't get away." A foreign voice had Naruto, Kakashi, and Sasuke on guard. Naruto cursed in his mind, only to get a light smack from Kurama, but that was enough to send him onto his mindscape knees.

Watch the swearing, or I'll devour you instead of rabbits! Kurama threatened.

Kurama, please... Naruto pleaded his un-thought request.

Naruto brought his attention back to his surroundings and saw Kakashi engaging the S-rank Ice-style ninja. 

(A/N: Why can't you just call him ice dude? Even I'm smarter than you in that way

People I don't mind if I break what you midgets call the "Fourth Wall", please don't torment me on that, I want to have a long life...)

Sasuke was standing protectively by Naruto, whipping out whatever Kunai he had left in his kunai/shuriken pouch. 

"Hatake Kakashi is here? Well, you cannot touch me, because if you do..." The Ice man gestured to Naruto, who had his eyes wide open in realization. 

"You will crush my heart and kill me." Naruto breathed with dread. Naruto didn't hesitate. "Sasuke! Let me out of these blankets!" He called to Sasuke, who was reluctant, but obliged.

As soon as Naruto was free from the blankets, he stood up and willed his body into fighting position. The Ice-style smirked and said in his nasty monotonous voice, "Try to catch me if you can."

"No... you WON'T!" Naruto yelled as he clenched his fists and chakra chains shot out of his chest and wrapped the Ice-style man (who was surprisingly still masked). Kakashi and Sasuke's eyes widened as they saw the chains, then the eyes widened to the size of plates when Lightning erupted from their origin and gave a nice electric shock to the ice dude. (A/N: don't mind me here, I can't keep writing 'Ice-style user' because I'm lazier than Kakashi, and I'm too lazy to copy and paste.)

Naruto POV

I breathed heavily after my feat, then grunted as I detached the chains from my body and willed them to wrap the ice dude. "Naruto, where did-" Kakashi started to ask when I let myself go limp. All my energy was exhausted. I was surprised when something, or someone, caught me and held me straight. When my vision cleared, "Sasuke?" I said in the loudest voice I could muster, though it was still only audible to him.

"I thought you were the one who told me that if one dies, the other s a civilian forever. I certainly don't want to be a civilian." Sasuke joked at the end, making me snicker lightly. I felt him lay me down on my back, making everything go hazy again, but I held in any sound of pain. The ice dude was still here, and seeing the Raijin no Kitsune in pain is probably comedy gold for the enemy, and embarrassment for me and Kurama (since he is a Kitsune).

"Can I do anything to help?" Sasuke asked, worry and concern twined into his words. 

"Kakashi." Was all I could manage at the moment. Even that made me close my eyes in order to stay conscious. Time passed before I heard a faint "Naru" through the darkness.

"I have to- NRAGHHHH!!!" I shouted as I turned to my left side. The pain was more intolerable than I had originally estimated.

Third POV

Naruto rolled around, nearly burning himself with the still smoldering firewood. He grabbed the side of his chest which enshrined his heart,  his cries of pain broke both the Uchiha's and Hatake's heart. 

"Naruto! Calm down, I'll-" Kakashi began. "-light the fire wood." Sasuke finished.

"Fire-style: Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke said, lighting the fire once again. Kakashi held Naruto's arms and pinned him down so he wouldn't hurt himself. The poor blonde's head turned frantically from the right to the left, and he gave a loud scream of pain to the heavens.


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