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"Elena. It's Stefan. I know that this picture must have confused you. But I can explain. I need to explain. So, please, when you get this, call me" said Stefan leaving a voicemail to Elena while holding onto Katherine's picture.

However, Elena was driving her car but when she suddenlynoticed a man in the middle of the road out of nowhere she slammed on her brakes but still hit the man.

Her car rolled over and over. When it stopped she was frantic, unable to move as her seatbelt was stuck. Seeing the man slowly get up Elena realised it was a vampire. Looking around she felt hopeless knowing that she was stuck and there was no way of getting away. As the man got closer to the car Elena screamed, the man suddenly disappeared, and a second later Damon appeared.

"How are you doing in there?"


"You look stuck."

"It's my seat belt. I can't get it."

"Shh Shh Shh. Let me get you out of there. I want you to put your hands on the roof. Just like that. You ready? 1, 2, 3" said Damon and ejected her seat belt. "I got you."

"Thank you..."

"Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?" asked Damon picking her up from there and holding her tried to put her down.


Elena could barely stand, before she fell, Damon caught her and held onto her firmly.

"Whoa, you're fading fast, Elena. Elena, look at me" said Damon and grabbed her face. "Focus. Look at me. Okay."

"We look like them..."

"What?" asked Damon surprised but Elena fainted.

He grabbed her and slowly brushed her face with his hand, getting the hair out and looking around thought for a moment before picking her up began walking.

"Damon" came the voice of Elio who was panting and seeing Elena he began to panic. "Oh my god what happened?"

"I'll fill you in on the way... can you look after her? I need to get the car."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"She's in shock, a good sleep will do her wonders. Now give me a minute."

"Okay" responded Elio and holding onto Elena held her close while Damon pulled Elena's car off the road then disappeared from there.

Holding her close he noticed something she had in her hands and slowly pulling it out looked at the picture.

Looking at a reflection of himself he looked amazed, but seeing the writing on it he tiled his head slightly:

"Sebastian, 1864"

The picture just answered his dilemma, he truly looked like Sebastian who lived centuries before him. But how could that be?

Once Damon came around with the car he put her on the front seat and making sure she was securely there he got onto the back seat and leaning to the front spoke up.

"You sure she doesn't need the hospital?"

"I'll keep an eye on her. Vampire blood can heal her if anything happens. She has no broken bones or internal bleeding so don't worry. Now we have a long drive you might want to get some sleep on the back."

"Hmmm... okay" commented Elio and holding onto the picture laid down in the back with one of his feet down while the other was tucked under his other thigh.

Damon looked back after a while and seeing Sebastian's picture on Elio's hand he just smiled for a moment but continued to drive. They had to get to Georgia as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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