Charlotte smiled to herself, reaching across the table for some cream and stirring it slowly into her coffee. She still felt no desire for any of the food before her, but picked small bites from a muffin for something to do, not to mention the day long train ride they had ahead of them. She would surely be starving by the time she reached home, at this rate.

"What are you guys up to then, for the break?" Remus's voice sounded odd, though Charlotte realized it might have been the fact that she hadn't heard it in days. She picked a larger bite of the muffin off, popping it into her mouth and chewing slowly as Marlene answered him.

"Well, Lily's going skiing, which, for those of you who don't know, unlike me, as I'm very learned, is where you tie sticks-"

"No," Lily cut in, biting back laughter.

"-to your feet and jump down a big pile of snow-"

"Marlene." Lily sighed, allowing the laughter to come now as she dropped her face into her hands against the table.

"My parents said we're headed to my grandparents for Christmas, but hopefully I'll be back after that. Maybe we can all hang out?" Mary suggested, the rest of the girls nodding in agreement, though Charlotte noted Remus's silence, remembering James' words from the night before. He had to stay here at school for break. And though she had felt terribly for him last night, she was now only thankful for a long day on the warm train without him.

"Charlotte?" The tall boy asked, his eyes locking on her, though she wouldn't meet his. His voice sounded so small, as if he was scared. As if she had ever been the one to hurt him. "Doing anything for the holidays?"

She shook her head once, picking up her spoon and stirring the milky coffee before her, a silent chant in her head, begging her not to look to him.

"Actually," Sirius's voice rang out again, and she silently thanked him in her mind for taking the focus from her. "Charlotte's coming to mine, Christmas Eve. The stupid ball." He said with a shrug.

"What?" James' eyes were wide, his mouth had fallen open slightly, though Charlotte couldn't make out if it was half of a smile or a glower. "Since when?"

"Last night." Sirius answered before she could, and though her heart was still pounding beneath her chest loudly, she couldn't bite back the smile at Sirius's words. Or, more importantly, the way he sounded so excited for the announcement.

She finally looked up, watching as James's mouth shifted into a small grin, locking eyes with his best friend from across the table. She widened her eyes once towards Mary, who's jaw had dropped at the news, and then turned from the girls, desperate for a change of subject, when her eyes finally landed on the honey brown ones she had been avoiding all morning.

Remus's gaze flickered from her eyes to her chest and then at Sirius, who was paying him no attention, finishing up his plate and turning to the blonde beside him.

"Do you want to go get your stuff? I can help you." He offered, his voice had dropped low, as if he thought he would be able to keep the conversation from the rest of the table.

"I'm quite capable of a simple levitating spell." She bit back with a small smirk as she stood beside Sirius, following his lead as he nodded towards the entrance hall.

"Not once we're off school grounds, though, hmm?" He teased, pushing through the heavy doors. "Are you okay?" Sirius spoke finally once they were in the hallways, students rushing in all directions, most of them holding trunks or pets and hardly dodging the two Gryffindors as they started up the stairs.

"What?" She pulled her attention off the children to their left, "Yeah, of course."

"Okay. Good." He nodded, mostly to himself, as they neared Gryffindor tower. "You know he's staying here for the holiday. You've got two weeks without having to even think of him."

written in the stars | s. black | r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now