finding the world under foot

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He does get it.

He'll never be the model-girlfriend with the nails and hair and eyelashes, the 100% always ready to show up and show out. He's just a man, quirkless and anxious, slightly chunky around his belly, his hips, and his thighs. He's cute, with his cheeks and his freckles and his green fluffy hair but...

Hands come around his back to his front and press him into Katsuki's tall, strong form.

"You're gorgeous." Katsuki whispers into the back of his head. "You're beautiful." Into his neck. "You're kind, and gentle, and sweet. You're chunky, and it's delicious." Against his cheek. "You're my baby, my Deku, I love you." Into his lips, with one of his hands crawling up his front to feel his stomach and his chest to hold his chin still. The kiss pressed into his mouth then is firm, forceful, like Katsuki's trying to push his love into Izuku through his touch.

"Kacchan," Izuku half-laughs, sighing and swaying with Katsuki as he wraps him up tight. They look at themselves in the mirror, red eyes meeting green. "I love you too, baby." The soft moment seals up a few of the newly torn holes in Izuku's sensitive heart. If he has this, he can weather anything. There was no lie in Kacchan, not ever. He does love him. Fully, totally.

"We're gonna fuck later tonight, but you need to not be wearing IcyHot's fucking face, got it?"

Izuku splutters into laughter.

"This doesn't do it for you, Kacchan? I thought you had some kind of rival tension with Todoroki-san?"

A miffed Katsuki abandons him at the mirror, and Izuku spends the rest of the night happily soothing his ruffled feathers.

Oddly enough, it was not Aki who cast the first rumor. It was some no-name backwater sidekick who Katsuki didn't even recognize, let alone know the name of. Said he had been Katsuki's first fling when he came on the scene, and that Izuku was just a power move, a pretend relationship to make it seem like Katsuki's less of a playboy asshole.

All of which was utter bullshit, Katsuki's been with one person and one person only his whole life.

And that person, regardless of what he says, couldn't help reading the headlines and hurt.

Headlines, headlines, headlines.

"Heartthrob hero Dynamight hiding illicit past!"

"Dynamight's lover: hero, villain, or neither at all?"

"Gold-digging Deku: the truth behind Dynamight's mysterious lover."

"Cheating scandal! Dynamight's disgust with quirkless lover Izuku Midoriya!"

Yeah, that last one caused problems. Katsuki's legal team was well-staffed and scary, and the tabloid printed a retraction the very next day but the damage was done. Everyone knew Izuku's full name, his quirkless status, and essentially believed he had tricked Katsuki into a relationship.

Turns out the leak was an intern at Izuku's own office, a young professional barely out of school and eager to feel even the tiniest lick of fame.

Izuku's boss fired her the next day.

Erin-san was a foreign woman with blonde hair and green eyes, but she didn't found Japan's first Hero-Watch Social Work Foundation by being a shy shut in. She spearheaded the field of heroic counselling and therapy and even made the Commission itself bend to her Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion plus Mental and Emotional Wellness programs. They were a necessary and crucial part of hero work, and have since seriously impacted the rate pf suicide, injury, and burnout in the field.

As her right-hand man, Izuku was under fire now for being quirkless and daring to analyze quirks with the lens of his social work doctorate, focusing on quirk-specific treatment.

MHA smutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora