I stopped at the hole leading to the tunnel that would take us to Gija "Let me say one more thing!" I commanded. The Blue Dragon didn't say anything against this. "Your hand was very warm. I don't know anything about your curse. But if that was the hand of a cursed man, then I don't care, even if you do bear a horrific curse!" I shouted frustrated that he wouldn't come.

I then stepped into the tunnels my legs still trembling as I continued to silently cry. A few minutes of silent passed by as we walked before Yun spoke up. "Princess, you looked pretty displeased." I looked to see Yona deeply frowning. I wipe away my tears and put on my best fake smile.

"If you keep frowning like that your gunna get wrinkles." I teased. Yona stopped frowning and hurriedly felt her face. "W-Wrinkles!" She repeated worriedly. I laughed but it quickly ended as the Blue Dragon popes into my mind. The same must of happened to Yona.

"There was nothing in that room. Is he getting enough to eat. I feel like I've left someone very important in a dark cage." Yona says worriedly.

I nod my head in agreement. "It's one thing to keep him isolated from others, it's an other thing to let him starve to death!" I scowl angrily. I'm gunna give those villagers a piece of my mind!

Suddenly the voice of the Blue Dragon seemed to echo in my head. "I had finally forgotten about that......" The voice said. Forgotten what? One last single tear slips down my cheek I wipe it away. What have you forgotten Blue Dragon?

"It's strange. That was our first time meeting and yet..." Yona continued but stopped at we approached the now open entrance. "Get back!" Gija's voice yelled.

As we get to the entrance I see Gija standing in the middle of the way. Refusing to allow any of the men ,who I had seen surround him when we first came here, access inside. As we reached Gija all the men scowled at us.

"Gija..... what's going on?" I ask as I scurry to his side realizing I was within reach of one of the men. "They're back. They came back." Said a man wearing a tan mask with a creepy smile painted on it.

"Finish them." Said a man wearing a similar mask but was green. Gija raised his hand in front of me and Yona. "Princess, stay back. You too May." Gija instructed.

"I knew it." Yun says as he looks at the group of men. "They intend to eliminate us, to keep the Blue Dragon hidden." Gija informed looking at me and Yona.

"Eliminate us? Why?" Yona asks surprised. I scowl at the group of masked men. "That's awful." I growled. I have had my fill for today. My sadness that the Blue Dragon wouldn't come with us quickly turned to anger.

"Now that you know about him, we can't let you leave here alive!" The man in the tan mask admitted raising a dagger. I pulled one of my own out.

"Why? Why do you hide the Blue Dragon?" Yona demanded. The villagers didn't reply they just stared at us. "Perhaps this place really is the opposite of my village. They call the noble dragons power a curse." Gija stated.

I glared at the men "So your the ones who told the Blue Dragon he is cursed!" I spat at them all. "Quite!" Scolded a village man wearing a tan wolf mask. He lunges at me with a knife.

Yun crouched down hoping to avoid getting hit with the dagger since he was near by. "Don't fight in this narrow space!" He advised. I blocked the mans attack with my white dagger. The man went for my stomach as his blade bounces of mine harmlessly.

I blocked the attack again. "Your to slow!" I bark as I kick the man in the stomach. The man falls to the ground and crawled backwards away from me. "Why you!" Cried an other villager. I turned around and saw him lung at me. I don't have enough time to block that! Before he reaches me Gija steps in.

He chops the mans hand causing the villager to drop his weapon. Gija then punched the man in the stomach and he was sent flying. "Gija!" Yona cried as she watched this turning to him. "Don't worry I'm not using my powers against amateurs!" Gija reassures.

"You only punched him with ten times the strength of most men." Yun adds blankly. Yona turns to the villagers who decided it would be better for them not to attack. "Please tell me. Why does the blue dragon have to be shunned? What is this curse" Yona pleaded.

"Quiet!" Shouted the man in the tan mask. Suddenly the ground began to shake. "An earthquake!" Yun cried. "Run!" Yelled a villager as small bits of the roof crumbled and rained down on us.

Screams could be heard form the villagers as they all began to run down the tunnel trying to escape as they covered their heads in an attempt to protect themselves from the falls rocks.

I looked around to see body's flash around me and noticed Yun lean himself up against the wall to avoid getting run over by the scurrying villagers. "Princess!" Gija cried as he put is arms against the wall Yona was against and protected her with his body. I had been dragged a few feet away from them by the villagers.

But the few feet felt like miles as all the people around me ran wildly. A rock hit my head suddenly as the earthquake grew worse. "Ow!"I whimpered, I raises my hands over my head as rocks rained down on me.

Dust rose from the ground and I realized with fear that large portions of the roof were falling. I looked down the tunnel and saw that the largest portions were starting to pile onto each other. I watched with wide eyes as a village man was about to get crushed.

I ran over to him and pushed him out of the way just in time as a boulder fell but my plan had back fired on me. I looked up just in time to see a large boulder hurtling towards me. I opened my mouth to scream. I never got the change to scream though as the boulder hit the floor.

The Weak And Helpless (Yona of the dawn)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora