Chapter 2

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Carl's pov

My dad and I have been walking for miles, rarely stopping. It's hard to keep moving, because his wounds are serious, and need time to heal, but we don't have time. His face is swollen, hands bloody and cracked, and is just an overall mess. I'm fine, for the most part, I have no major injuries, just a few scratches here and there.

We have no clue who made it out, we forced ourselves away from the prison, without Judith, without Rayne. We saw the bus leave though, but we have no clue who was on it, for all we know, someone from the Governor's goup could have taken it. We could only hope that Judith and the others made it out.

Right now we were currently on the highway, walking to an abandoned store we spotted. All over the road were the usual abandoned cars, newspaper scraps, and even some flesh or clothes. My dad took his arm off of my shoulder and tried to do this himself, but I knew he couldn't do this, he was too weak.

"No, I can do this, you're too weak." I said and he took a couple of breaths in, and said,

"I got this, it's nothing I haven't done a million times." I crossed my arms and let him do what he pleased, my gun still in my hand. It took him a couple tries, but he finally got the door opened, but not without exhausting himself. I ran inside and looked for walkers, but luckily there was only one, and he was trapped behind the counter.

I looked for a melee weapon to take him out quietly. On a shelf to my left there was a cutlery set, with forks and knives, so I opened the package and took out a butter knife. I raised it up to the walkers head, and shoved it through his eye socket, and he fell limp and sank to the ground.

My dad regained some of his energy and went to go search the shelves. I went back behind the counter, where the walker was, and looked for supplies he might have had. He had some matches, two cans of food and a note that read, 'Do what I could not'. I put the cans of food into my bag and went to go wait on my dad.

No more than five minutes, he came limping over with one can of dried peaches. I grabbed the can from him and put it in my bag with the rest of our supplies. We went back out and started walking again. I could tell my dad was struggling, but we couldn't afford to slow down, not when the sun is so close to setting.

"Slow down." My dad commanded, but I didn't listen, I was looking for shelter.

"I said, slow down." He said again, and I just looked back at him.

"We need to find shelter, we can't slow down." I said and I knew I was being hard on him, but it was for our survival. We kept walking, but at a semi slower pace. 

The sun was almost totally set, and the moon was starting to show, and we still had no shelter. We were in the middle of the highway and there was nowhere to stop for the night. We stopped and looked around for a little bit, trying to see anything that we could stop at.

"Right there." My dad said, pointing to a car. We approached the car and surprisingly, it was clear. We opened the doors and crawled in, settling down for the night.

Rayne's pov

I woke up the next day, and just stared up into the sky, not having the motivation to move. My legs still hurt, and I felt like I had no energy. The sun was peeking through the leaves as I sat there, hitting me in the face. I sighed and decided to just get up. I swung my feet over the branch I was on and slowly climbed down, each step created more pain in my legs.

Finally on the ground, I started the journey once more, to try and find something, whether it be shelter, food or other survivors, I needed to find something. Focusing in moving in one direction can be more difficult than it sounds, especially when you're unarmed in the apocalypse, and think you hear something every two steps.

I don't know how much longer I have in the woods, I've been traveling in them going on 5 days. Hopefully today will be it, maybe some sort of miracle will happen, and I'll find the highway, or at least some water.

Hours later I think I found the edge of the woods. I see a break in the trees, and swear I see asphalt. My pace quickened a little, and I tried to ignore the pain in my legs, hoping that there will be some houses or a gas station near by.

I passed trees by, and almost broke down into tears when I saw the road. I could finally find supplies, I might actually have a chance. But then again, what's worth living for? I've lost everyone. And with that thought, my pace slowed, and I just stared at the road.

I stopped walking and just stared. What was the point? That I might survive? I don't want to live without any of the people I love, and I've lost them all. I don't want to live in this world alone, and even if I did find someone, they wouldn't be the group. They wouldn't be the leader Rick was, the supporter Hershel was, the friend Beth was. They could never be my ray of sunshine like Carl was, they could never replace anyone.

Right now I feel like I deserve to die, if everyone else died, why did I make it out? I never even got to tell my mom I loved her one last time. My mom. The one person who was with me my whole life, and the same person who has hurt me the most. The person who I would take a bullet for, but also the same one who left me. The same person who loved me to death, but let death take over her love. No matter what she's done, she's still my mom, and I miss her, even though she hasn't been the most caring. 

So now the question is, what do I do?

Condemned. Sequel to 'Don't Look Back'Where stories live. Discover now