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B O O M ! ! 💥

The entirety of the stage erupted in flames, causing BroZone to quickly back up in a panic.

"Guys!!" Poppy called out from backstage.

She motioned for them to go backstage. They ran over and they escaped with her and Viva. They all made it out safely, except for one.

"Where's Branch??" Bruce asked in a panic.

Poppy realized that her boyfriend wasn't with them and immediately got nervous. She went back to get him, Floyd, who was just as nervous, following close behind. They found Branch facing towards the huge fire, desperately trying to put it out.

"BRANCH!!" Floyd called out as soon as he and Poppy reached him.

Branch turned around, his face showing stress, guilt, and you can easily tell he was scared.

Poppy reached her hand out towards him frantically, her face showing that she was just as scared as him.

He hesitated for a moment before grabbing her hand. The three trolls ran for their lives and made it to safety just in the nick of time as the stage completely exploded just as they made it to safety.

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Hi, I'm Branch

So, I know what you're all probably thinking

What the f*** happened??

What is this turn of events and how could it have possibly gone wrong?

It's actually quite the story

However, in order to understand everything

We need to go back...

In Pop Village, Branch was enjoying the peace and quiet that the crisp morning air brought to him. However, that didn't last long, when he heard the familiar voice of his girlfriend above him.


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Wait no, that too soon

I meant we need to go back over 20 years ago

To the beginning of BroZone...

24 years earlier

It was nighttime at the Troll Tree's arena. Snow lightly came down and stuck to the grass beneath them. The colorful stage lights illuminated the snow and made it look as if it was colorful instead of just plain white. The air surrounding all the trolls who had gathered that night was cool and crisp, and who had they gathered to the arena to see?

Why, BroZone, of course. It wasn't like there were any other bands to see at the time.

Tonight was their big, annual holiday concert, and it was a huge deal for them.

Trolls: Family HolidayWhere stories live. Discover now