His expression hardened. He pushed my hands away.

"I don't need you to fix anything. I just want you gone. Forever."

My arms fell to my sides, a tear sliding down my face. He stared at me intensely. I wiped the tear away, meeting his gaze head-on.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not going anywhere. I don't care if you never want to see me again, but I won't stop trying until I fix everything between us."

His face hardened, hands shoved into his pockets, his expression emotionless.

"Do whatever you want. I won't change my mind," he said before turning around and heading back to the party.

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. I rubbed my hand over my chest, trying to soothe the pain, and took a deep breath.

That's fine; I won't change my mind either.


Twenty minutes passed, and the party started heating up. The DJ dropped a sick remix that got everyone grooving and dancing around the pool, though no one dared to take a dip. They were more concerned about their pricey suits and designer dresses, which made it comical to watch how they avoided getting near the water.

As I finished my drink, I motioned to the bartender for another round. I'd lost track of how many I'd had, but I wasn't too concerned; I knew I could handle my drinks.

My gaze remained fixed on Shawn throughout the evening. He was engrossed in a conversation with a blonde woman who seemed a bit too handsy for my liking.

I was annoyed, so I kept ordering drinks, hoping the alcohol would drown the jealousy rising within me. Yet, it did little to help, and they seemed to be getting cozier by the minute. Shawn was playing the part of the oblivious quite convincingly, but deep down, I knew he hadn't moved on. I could see it in his eyes every time he stole glances at me when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Do you want another one?" the bartender inquired, and I glanced at my empty glass.

I slid it over to him. "Yes, plea-"

"Actually no, that would be her last," a familiar voice interrupted.

I turned my head to find Kim approaching the bar. She shot me a stern look, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't give me that look, Jules. You're already wasted, and I'm not dragging your drunk ass back home if you pass out here," I said, leaning back against the counter.

"I won't... I promise," I assured her, my eyes returning to Shawn.

The sight of them standing so close, almost like they were about to kiss, made my fists clench, and I glared at them.

"Did you know that's his ex he's talking to?" Kim suddenly asked, and I whipped around to face her.

"What?" She nodded, her eyes still on them.

"Angelina Marcelli. Part-time supermodel, part-time social media influencer. They dated for almost two years before breaking up. Looks like they're rekindling old flames tonight."

Kim accepted a drink from the bartender before facing me. 

"Let's just leave, Jules. You're only hurting yourself more if you stay here watching him reconnect with an ex who clearly won't be you. We can find another way to talk to him."

I shook my head firmly and continued to glare at Shawn and his ex.

"I'm not leaving until he finally pays attention to me."

"And how do you plan to make that happen? He's been acting like you're invisible for hours. Just give it up."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Kim's drink, downing it in one go. I placed the empty glass on the counter, wiped my mouth, and scanned the crowd.

"Jules, I know that look. Whatever you're thinking, don't do it. You hear me?"

She tugged on my arm, but I smiled and continued to survey the scene. 

"If he doesn't want to notice me tonight, maybe someone else will," I told Kim, ignoring her protests.

I joined the crowd dancing near the DJ. I swayed to the music, running my fingers through my hair. Finally, I reached the front edge of the pool and looked at the glowing water, illuminated by floating orbs.

People began staring in my direction as I kicked off my heels and dipped my feet into the water. With each step down, the water rose, and soon it reached my waist.

The music grew louder, and everyone's attention turned to me in the pool. They cheered and chatted excitedly. Thankfully, the pool wasn't too deep. I continued forward, smiling, and keeping my gaze ahead.

I could feel Shawn's eyes on me from the crowd, but I didn't look up. The water soaked my dress, except for the shoulder straps, and my hair clung to my back.

As I reached the other side of the pool, I ascended the underwater steps and gracefully emerged from the water. My dress clung to my body, but I didn't care about the gazes piercing my back.

I pulled my wet hair in front of me, wringing out the water, and it dripped onto the tiles at my feet. Flipping my hair back, I finally looked up, and the first person I saw was Shawn.

His cold eyes locked onto mine as he made his way toward me, scowling. He grabbed my arm roughly, and I grinned, leaning into him. He wrapped his arms around me to prevent me from falling, and I smiled up at him before my eyes began to droop.

"Now, I've finally got your attention."

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