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(3 months later)


Caleb Andrews. That's my new name. Changing everything about myself to become someone new—it feels like a fresh start.

Jules and Kim were my partners in crime throughout the three-month process. We had to create documents, passports, and IDs to make Caleb Andrews a bona fide person.

We left San Francisco a month ago, flying over to New Zealand to hang out for a while, at least until after New Year's, which is tonight.

It's been a hectic week, sorting out all the details and settling into a new country. But now it's all squared away, and we can finally enjoy tonight in peace.

Kim, Kevin, and Jules's brother, Vincent, came along with us to New Zealand. I didn't mind them tagging along and staying at the house we'd arranged in Auckland.

I've been getting along well with all of them, except Kevin—we're still a work in progress. Vincent and I hit it off right away, and he keeps me updated about my sisters.

He goes back to San Francisco twice a week to be with Shanelle. I made him promise not to tell her about me or anyone connected to our family. That was the cornerstone of our trust.

He's back in New Zealand now to celebrate New Year's with us. The girls went out shopping, and Vincent, Kevin, and I are handling the grilling out on the deck.

"Hey, you know, Shanelle ended up in the hospital once. She had an overdose," Vincent suddenly tells me.

I pause at the grill and turn to face him. "An overdose? Was she using drugs?"

He shakes his head, grabbing his tongs from the side to flip the barbecue on the grill. 

"Not exactly, but she started taking these weird pills to manage her panic attacks. At one point, she couldn't get her prescription filled, so she started buying them from a dealer."

Damn. I had this idea that Shanelle's life was perfect just because she pursued a career outside the family business and moved away from home.

I didn't expect her to be taking pills. Panic attacks, I knew about. I once saw her having an attack after a fashion event our family attended. That's how I found out.

I thought I was the only one relying on pills to cope with depression. Now Shanelle too? Who else in our family has been using drugs?

"How did you two meet anyway?" I finally ask Vincent, who looks away with an awkward smile on his face.

"It's a bit of a rough story," Kevin chimes in while he squeezes oranges to make fresh juice.

"Actually, it was pretty complicated. We met in LA, and my friends and I were looking for someone. We found out that this 'someone' was related to one of Shanelle's friends, so we kind of forced them into helping us find the guy."

Kevin snickers, and I shoot Vincent a disapproving look.

"Forced them?" My eyes widen in alarm.

"No one got hurt, I swear. It wasn't a pleasant encounter for any of us, but we managed to work together," he hastily explains.

"Yeah, right. If force was another word for kidnapping nowadays," Kevin says with a smirk.

"What?!" Vincent glares at Kevin before looking at me, fear in his eyes as if I might hit him. Which I was seriously considering.

"We're back!" Jules singsonged while climbing up the stairs to come to the deck with Kim following closely behind.

"We'll talk about this later," I tell Vincent, gripping his shoulder firmly.

His Adam's apple bobs as he quickly nods his head.

I walk over to Jules, greeting her with a kiss, and she starts unloading shopping bags on the table.

"Okay, people, we've got fireworks, booze, snacks, and condoms," she announces loudly. Kevin, Vincent, and I stare at her in surprise, trying to make sure we hear her correctly.

"Condoms?" Kevin asks uncertainty all over his face.

"Yeah, in case you're planning to invite someone over later."

I know Jules is just messing with him, so I can't help but stifle my laughter.

"Are you kidding me? I haven't even met anyone around here yet."

"Then you can use one with me tonight. I don't mind," Kim suggests playfully, and my eyes widen in surprise.

"What? No. Aren't you gay?"

Kim picks up an orange and throws it at him, hitting his chest.

"Pansexual, idiot. Get it right."

We all burst out laughing, and the boys and I finish grilling. We sit down at the two big folding tables we've prepared on the deck.

As the last rays of sunlight settle, casting a warm golden glow around us, we eat, drink, and share funny memories. Everything feels so wholesome.

Around 11 p.m., everyone is more than a little tipsy and almost nodding off in their seats. I've been cautious with my alcohol intake, so I'm still completely sober.

Kim is lying with her head down on the table. Kevin has dozed off with his arms crossed in front of him, and Vincent has walked off to the other side of the deck, lying on the floor while engrossed in his phone.

No doubt he's calling Shanelle. I didn't see him drink much, so I'm not worried he'll accidentally spill our secret while drunk.

Jules is sitting by my side, her head on my shoulder, and her arms locked around mine. Her eyes are closed, and her breathing is calm and controlled.

I kiss the top of her head and gently shake her awake.

"Wanna light up some fireworks with me?" I softly whisper in her ear, and she smiles with her eyes still closed.


I take her hand and pull her up to stand. She's a bit unsteady, so I put my arm around her to keep her balanced.

We walk to the far end of the deck, and while she leans against the railings, I take out the fireworks from the plastic bags and look around for a lighter.

"Here," Vincent tosses me his lighter while flicking his cigarette butt away.

"Thanks. You can light it up for me."

He shrugs and starts flicking the lighter while I hold the bottom end of the firework toward him.

The thin wire catches the flame, and it starts sizzling its way up. I step back and point the fireworks toward the sky.

A burst of force erupts from the firework, shooting up into the sky, and exploding into a colorful display. I keep my arm steady as each explosion lights up the sky.

Jules wraps her arms around me, laughing with excitement. When the firework finishes, I lower my arm and stumble back in surprise when another one explodes.

Vincent has lit another one on the ground, shooting up into the sky.

"Happy New Year!" Jules screams in my ear, trying to be heard over the noise.

I pull her in and kiss her on the lips. The shadow of the fireworks in the sky reflects on our faces. We pull away and stare at the colorful explosions.

I look down at Jules and mirror her smile, hugging her close to me. She leans back against my chest, our heads pressed together.

This is the start of something new—a whole new year, a new life, and a new me.

This is freedom.

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