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"Stick to this route, and you'll spot an old warehouse when you take a left. That's where they've got him."

I paid close attention to Miriam's guidance, tracing her directions on the map while loading up my gun.

Their faces showed surprise when they saw the array of weapons I pulled from the jeep. I always came prepared for situations like this, which is why I stashed my backup in the car.

Miriam marked the locations with a red marker before passing me the map. I tucked it into my backpack and holstered my gun on my thigh.

It was still dark outside at 5 a.m., but I didn't want to waste any more time. I needed to find Shawn before things got even worse, though they probably already had, a thought that churned my stomach.

"Thanks a lot for this," I told Miriam, to which she frowned.

"No need to thank me. It should be the other way around. Kula was our problem, not yours. You and Shawn didn't get yourselves into this mess; we did."

I hugged her, then turned to Neilani, and bumped fists with JoJo, who still looked half-asleep. After slipping on my backpack, I left the house.

I hopped into my Jeep, started the engine, and gave everyone on the porch one last wave before pulling out of their driveway and heading toward Shawn's location.

Please, God, let him be okay. Just hold on a bit longer until I arrive.


Another punch landed square on my face, and I spat out a mouthful of blood onto the gritty floor. Laughter and snickers reverberated through the room, but the relentless buzzing in my ears drowned them out.

About an hour ago, they had rudely awakened me with a bucket of ice-cold water, and since then, it felt like they were taking turns using me as a human punching bag.

When we first arrived, I counted five of them, but the rapid-fire succession of blows made me question if there were more lurking in the shadows.

My jaw throbbed, probably broken, and my nose was no better. Exhaustion and pain consumed me. If I weren't bound to this chair with ropes so tight, I'd have fought my way out ages ago.

"Not so tough now, are ya?" one of them taunted with a high-pitched voice.

"The little wimp can't do a damn thing. His girlfriend's got more guts than he does."

Their laughter grated on my nerves, and I closed my eyes in irritation.

"I'm gonna end that bitch," Kula finally declared, breaking the tension. I opened my eyes to see him a few feet away.

"Are you sure she's even coming?" someone questioned, and Kula scoffed.

"Of course she is. She's a tough one, she'll definitely show up to rescue little miss 'princess' here."

I groaned a feeble 'no,' and their attention returned to me. Kula grabbed the back of my hair, forcing me to look at him, his sick grin got my blood boiling.

"Think you're something special, huh? Coming to our turf uninvited, telling us what to do?"

My jaw clenched as he pressed the gun barrel beneath my chin.

"You don't waltz in here and dictate terms. This is our island, and nobody calls the shots except us. Got it?"

The slamming of doors from the other side of the room broke the tension. The gang huddled together, squinting into the darkness.

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