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══ Chapter 26 ══

══ Chapter 26 ══

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Lydia woke up to her phone alarm buzzing repeatedly and felt the morning sun bleed through her blinds and drip onto her face. Much like the morning of her first day at the BAU, she inadvertently felt it was the beginning of a new chapter of her life. One that she'd be letting go of the pen to write.

She knew how uptight she was. Keeping herself closed off. It was her only means of defense. But she saw moving and being at a new job would be the opportunity to press the reset button.

Her mom wouldn't be able to send her anymore letters as well. That made it all the more special. More motivation to attempt to move on.

She sat up in her bed, looking around at the boxes stacked against the walls. Lydia felt bad knowing that Anna, Morgan, and Spencer would have their work cut out for them.

She had a reasonable amount of stuff. They'd likely have to make two trips with the rental van. Morgan and Reid were the only ones available to help her out, and Anna would probably kill her if she wasn't involved.

Lifting her phone from her bedside table to check the time, she noticed a text from Theo.

Theo Zimmerman
Best of luck today. Hope it goes smoothly!

After their date only a couple of days prior, they had been texting a considerable amount. Lydia still wasn't exactly sure how she felt, but she was trying to let it happen and 'go with the flow' as Anna would say.

After she shot him back a thank you text, she crawled out of her room and stumbled toward the bathroom to put in her contacts and brush her teeth. Making sure to throw on a hoodie and a pair of jeans as well, since they'd be working in the chilly autumn air. She then walked into the kitchen and grabbed an energy drink out of her empty fridge. The day ahead of her was going to be excruciatingly long, especially with the people being able to get a glimpse into her life and the vulnerability that followed. There's a lot you can discover about a person by their belongings. Especially hers. They depicted the parts of her that survived that fateful night when she was young.

Her father was the only one who lost his life, but pieces of her rest with him.

She heard a stiff knock on the door. Knowing that they were starting early, she figured they'd be arriving soon. Making her way to the door, she propped it open and leaned on it, sipping on the energy drink can.

"Morning," she grumbled, facing Morgan and standing further back, Spencer. He looked just as sleep deprived at her, if not more. It wasn't surprising since it was a normal look for him. However, hers were a tell of how she was feeling since that night, and he knew that.

Morgan laughed, taking off his sunglasses and clipping them onto his shirt. "Good morning to you too, Texas. Ready to get your move on?"

"That depends. You guys ready to put in some hefty work?"

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