Ouranos Island: Sage's Plan

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Author's Note: Welcome to "Miraculous Frontiers: The Final Horizon"!!! Now, as with the first Miraculous Frontiers story, there will be music tacks to listen to throughout the story, and the same rules apply in this side story.

In the media above, for most chapters, you will find normal background music to play. However, if you see music for a cutscene, a guardian, or Cyberspace, play it, then continue playing the normal background music.

And yes, the trials are going to be in this story. Their music will be here as well.

Anyways, that's all for now. Enjoy the side story!


-Ouranos Island; High Noon-

On the grassy plains of Ouranos Island, Ladybug, Cat Noir, the Agrestes and Tomoe all appear on the island, and both superheroes began charging on ahead to find the Chaos Miraculouses, but were then stopped by the others. Then, Sage explains a plan to restore their allies and find the Chaos Miraculouses, while Ladybug and Cat Noir can convert their corruption into power to be used to destroy The End for good and save the whole planet. Ladybug and Cat Noir then agree to this plan, and Sage warns them that they will face grueling trials, but the two heroes still agree to the plan.

(On Ouranos Island, Ladybug, Cat Noir, the Agrestes and Tomoe all appear, and Ladybug and Cat Noir run on ahead, but when they reach the temple-like structure.....)

Gabriel: Hold it, you two!

(Ladybug and Cat Noir then stop as Gabriel, Emilie, Amelie, and Tomoe catch up to them, along with Sage)

Sage: Before we embark, there is one other senario to consider.

Ladybug: Alright.

Cat Noir: We're listening.

Sage: Moments ago, our friends sacrificed their corporeal forms to supress your cyber corruption and return both of you to this dimensional plane...

Ladybug: We know.... They were so close to being free again, and they gave it all up for us.... *clutches her fist*

Cat Noir: I don't care how many Islands or Titans it takes! We're getting them back this time!

Gabriel: It might be possible. But this is a bigger priority.

Emilie: Agreed....

Sage: Of my millions of calculations, there was one so remote and unlikely, I did not consider it. However, as things stand, it could be the one to save us all.

Amelie: Well, Ladybug and Cat Noir are all about beating the odds.

Tomoe: What's the plan, Sage?

Sage: *to Tomoe and her family* I can reverse our friend's efforts and restore them. They would then seek out the Chaos Miraculouses for us with our help. *to Ladybug and Cat Noir* I can stablize your cyber corruption for a brief time. And then, I would guide you on how to convert that corruption into power so that both of you may end this conflict and save everyone.

Cat Noir: And by everyone, you do mean the entire planet, right?

Sage: It is our world, so yes.

Ladybug: Good. This makes a lot of sense. And I like this plan.

Cat Noir: Same here. Let's do it!

Sage: Be forewarned: the trials both of you face will be grueling, and we will have precious little time.

Ladybug: This won't be easy, but we'll do this.

Cat Noir: So, let's go!

And so, Sage uses her restored powers to reverse all of Ladybug and Cat Noir's allies' efforts, but also bringing them back, but in their digital ghost-like states, as well as undoing the supression of the cyber corruption on Ladybug and Cat Noir. As everyone else is confused, Ladybug and Cat Noir explains that they want them to find the Chaos Miraculouses while Ladybug and Cat Noir take care of something else. And right after the others agree to it, Gabriel tells everyone that they'll waste time just standing around, and Calline Bustier suggests that they'll have to split up in order to find the Miraculouses. And that's when Emilie saw a red glitch aura in a part of the sky, and she realizes that The End is coming.....

(Sage undos the byber corruption supression on Ladybug and Cat Noir, while at the same time, restores all of their allies, and even Fu, Marianne, Mrs. Bustier, and Mr. Damocles, but in their digital ghost-like forms.)

Ladybug and Cat Noir: *as this happens* AGH!! RGH!!

King Monkey: We just tried to save you two! We're not doing it again!

Purple Tigress: Ladybug?

Minotaurox: Cat Noir?

Pigella: What's going on?

Ladybug: We know it's been rough, and that things are confusing, but we need you guys to just follow our lead.

Cat Noir: We need all of you guys to find the Chaos Miraculouses while Ladybug and I take care of something else.

Rena Rouge: All right. We trust you.

Chloe: You can count on us!

Su-Han: We'll do what we can.

Everyone else: Yeah!

Gabriel: Good. We're wasting time just standing here! Let's get moving!

Bustier: Agreed. We'll have to split up.

Emilie: *notices something ominous* It's coming....

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