Chapter 12 - Revelation

Start from the beginning


"Things are changing. There's no denying that," Gally pointed out before continuing,

"First, Ben got stung in broad daylight. And then Alby, and now, Thomas, has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here,"

"Yeah, but he saved Alby's life," Frypan reasoned.

"Did he?" Gally quickly rebuffed. Thomas looked uneasy, his jaw tightening with every word that came from Gally's mouth. Newt's face became colder and even more unreadable with every passing minute. I sat beside Minho, and we exchanged a look depicting as 'What is Gally's problem?".

"For three years, we have co-existed with these things and now you've killed one of them!" Gally hissed while pointing his finger straight at Thomas who sat in the centre of the 'stage'.

"Who knows what that could mean for us?" he concluded.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt tested; a hint of sarcasm mixed with the usual British.

"He has to be punished," Gally stated while folding his arms across his chest causing an eruption of shouts, jeers, and protests from the crowd of boys watching the event unfold.

"Woah, woah, woah!"

"He killed a griever!"

"What the hell?"

I let out an exasperated breath.

"Minho. You were with him. What do you think?" Newt asked turning to him. Minho looked at me briefly before standing up and speaking to the group.

"I think... in all the time we've been here... no one's ever killed a griever before. When I turned tail and ran... this dumb shank stood behind to help Alby. Look, I don't know if he's brave, or stupid. But whatever it is... we need more of it... I say we make him a runner."

His announcement brought even more shouts from the crowd of boys.

"A runner? What?"

"Are you serious?"

"Minho let's not jump the gun here alright," Frypan suggested loudly.

"Thomas! Thomas! Thomas!" Chuck yelled trying to start a chant. He quickly shut up when it didn't work.

Gally interrupted the shouts with his own bellowing voice,

"If you want to throw Thomas a parade that's fine... go ahead... but if I know one thing about the maze is that you do not-"

A thundering screech silenced the room. And then the sound of a blaring alarm. It was familiar. Almost like it was from a dream... wait.

Gally and Newt exchanged a look... before bolting out of the room. I was right behind them with Thomas and Minho. And then the thundering rumble of footsteps behind me came from all the other Gladers.

We all ran to the centre of the Glade to the box. And just as I ran up between Gally and Newt... it arrived. Gally swung open the doors and Newt jumped inside. There was no equipment. No new greenie. Just a little leather pouch with a note attached.

Newt picked it up cautiously just as the rest of the boys arrived. Newt opened the note, and his face went whiter than bones. His eyes widened.

"What does it say?" A voice from the crowd said. Newt cleared his throat.

"She was the last one ever," he announced to the group, looking back up at us. At me. And then everyone else followed suit. I felt forty pairs of eyes on me. I swallowed again.

"What is that supposed to mean?" he puzzled; his face as confused as the rest of us. A silence blanketed over the group. I didn't want to think about what this could mean. No new greenies. Ever. How long would we last? And why was I the last one?

"What's in the bag?" I quickly asked, trying to escape this moment.

Newt opened it carefully before pulling out two glass vials containing a blue liquid. The initials W.C.K.D inscribed on the side.

Gasps escaped the mouths of many gaping boys.

"It's the antidote," Jeff muttered.

I spun to face him. And then looked at Newt,

"Alby!" I realized, motioning for Newt to pass me the bag. While Newt threw up the vials, Gally ordered everyone to move out of the way. I pushed past the crowd of boys, beelining for the med hut, Thomas, Minho, Newt, and Gally all close behind me. 

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