The Pink Case

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On the way back to my flat, I pondered where the suitcase could be. I googled a map of the area and began to search for areas to hide a suitcase. The murderer would have realized their mistake and would try to rid of the evidence as soon as possible. I located dumpsters and circled some possible ones and sent the marked-up image to Sherlock.

1:15 a.m. Just a little clue before I hit the hay...

 Just a little clue before I hit the hay

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I don't need any clues.

Sure and I don't need you on the case. Goodnight and get that case for me, would you?

6: 00 a.m. Found the case. Mobile is missing.

Must have stayed with the killer. Anything else in the suitcase?

Phone number to her cell. Just messaged now.

Tell me when you've got a plan. :)

I woke up feeling lazy and decided to stay in my pajamas while I went to the bathroom to wash my face. As I splashed the water on my face, I couldn't help but think about the ongoing murder case that Sherlock was working on. I hoped he would find the murderer soon or at least get more information about the case. Fortunately, it was my day off, which was a welcome relief. With no rush to get ready for work, I moved sluggishly towards the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, and I felt a sense of comfort and relaxation. I retreated to the couch with my favorite book, wrapped myself in a cozy blanket, and began reading. The story was captivating, and I lost track of time. An hour passed, and I received a text message that brought me back to the present moment.

7: 18 a.m. No, murderer. Met with a cab. Victims are being abducted.

I could have told you that last part. That's strange. Care to fill me in more?

Meet at 221B Baker Street in ten minutes.

See you soon, Sherly.

Don't call me that.

I got up from my chair, feeling the stiffness in my back from sitting for too long. I took a deep breath, stretched my arms, and put my empty cup in the sink, turning on the tap to rinse it off. After finishing my small chore, I walked back to my bedroom. It was a bright and sunny day outside, with a gentle breeze blowing through my window. I stood in front of my wardrobe, contemplating what to wear. After a moment of thinking, I decided to wear a white blouse with a gray skirt that lay just above my knees. I carefully ironed my outfit before putting it on, making sure that there were no wrinkles. I grabbed my flats from the rack and slid my feet into them. Next, I picked up my purse and placed my phone inside, checking to make sure I had everything I needed. I noticed my coat hanging over the chair where I left it after my long night yesterday. It was a little chilly outside, so I decided to wear it. I wrapped a small scarf around my neck before locking the door. It was a fifteen-minute walk from my flat to 221B Baker Street, but I didn't mind. Personally, I enjoyed the fresh air. As I walked down the street, I noticed the beautiful plants and the gates that lined the sidewalk. The sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind made me feel at peace. I adjusted the knocker on the door as I arrived at 221B Baker Street. Just as I was about to knock, an elderly woman opened the door. She had a kind face, with wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. She had a huge smile on her face and exclaimed, "A woman! You must be here for Sherlock. He told me you were coming." I smiled back at her, feeling a wave of excitement and curiosity rush over me.

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