chapter 1 Return to Ninjago

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It was a normal night for the cursed warrior Morro playing poker with bansha and wrathe, seeing that soul archer didn't like the game ghoultar was not smart enough to not lose. It was who knows how long since Morro was alive and well in ninjago but he didn't mind the queen promised him that she was going to make him the green ninja so he just had to wait but it's now been years with payoff the worst thing about it is that he was stuck with the body and mind of an 18 year old boy. Morro felt alone in a way, yes ghoultar, bansha, soul archer, and wrathe were his friends but they just didn't get it. They didn't get the feeling of having the thing you trained for being taken away from you, the feeling of being taken away from the person you cared about, the feeling of dying slowly while you had blood fill your lungs and mouth suffocating you with the already toxic air, the feeling of dying young. Morro remembered that day all too well, he had taken a wrong turn in the caves of despair when an earthquake happened making him run to get out. He was so close, so close to freedom until the cave well caved in trapping him in the already volcanic cave with no air, food, or water so he just sat down on the cold cave floor while blood filled his lungs along with the toxic fumes that the lava in the cave was making. The toxic air filled his lungs while the heat burned his flesh to the bone, he was coughing up blood every now and again and every yell he did for help was left in answered, he was dying and no one was there to help him escape his fate. The next thing he knew was that he was in the cursed realm most likely from him trying to fight destiny.

"Hey kid, are you ok?" Bansha asked, sounding concerned about Morro. "Yah…I'm okay…don't worry about it…I was just thinking" Morro snapped back to reality with a nervous smile on his face "Well don't think so much. I know that there is a lot of pressure on your shoulders but please don't overthink anything…everything will be fine and we'll get what we always wanted finally" bansha told morro before going back to playing poker. Morro looked at everything around him, the cursed realm was dark and dreary with green smoke covering the ground with, tentacles coming up from the ground with green chains on all the prisoners illuminating the whole realm with the ery green light, it was terrifying to be fair and Morro didn't like it. He didn't like how quiet it was when cursed souls weren't screaming in pain, he hated how dark it was, and he despised how everyone he knew wasn't even there leaving him there yes he cared about his friends but he missed Ninjago after all these years in the cursed realm he missed the familiarity of the towns and the people but he was happy to have his friends here they didn't understand why he was the way he was why he was childish but they understood that he died for wanting something…they all did. Morro smiled remembering the first time he met them he was very new to the cursed realm and the first person he met was bansha..she taught him everything a ghost needed to know and cared for him like he was her child, yes, the was insane but she wasn't a bad person she just did bad things, soul archer was very smart but very quiet Morro was even lucky to bound with him at there shared love for the martial arts it was actually very nice along with someone to train with, then there was goultar who was the joker and didn't mind Morro's sense of humor Which was basically insults at first before he got more adjusted, Morro remembered when he called goultar the "grim reaper of food" and they just laughed and if he hurt ghoultar's feeling he would have apologized, and finally there is wrathe the very crazy one. Morro didn't go along with wrathe at first like soul archer but for a different reason, wrathe was too crazy for Morro but over time he toned it down and was actually a good guy who lifts up everyone's spirits when he wasn't Training to be cool actually none of the cursed ghosts that were Morro's friends were evil people they just did bad things in life because they were broken people like Morro. Yes he felt alone at times but when he thought about it he did have people that understood some of what he was going through.

"Yo Morro you really need a new outfit if we're going to do the plan, like won't you get cold?" Wreath looked at Morro with curiosity already knowing he was right. Morro's gi was torn and ripped up thanks to his adventure in the caves of despair making him in a very weird situation of being cold but also not at the same time at different parts of his body "that's a good idea. Morro I have a dark green gi in my room. It's in the box under the bed" "soul archer why do you have a gi in the first place?" "Because our queen gave it to me when I got here wrathe,". Morro nodded his head with a smile before walking away leaving bansha and wrathe to play poker alone while he walked in the hall connecting all the rooms together to soul archer's room. Morro stood in front of a dark oak door with soul archer's name on it before going inside. The room was neat with everything were it was supposed to go with some arrows In a pot and the bed was made, morro looked under the bed and just like soul archer said there as a box under the bed. Morro took the box and opened it, putting on the gi and his cape and looked at the only mirror in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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