Chapter 85

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"Well, they could stop playing around and help a little."

Marie burst out laughing at Fénix's complaint. She brushed a few dark strands of her hair, which insisted on staying on her forehead, to behind her ear, and she continued preparing the little posts she would plant shortly.

Majo was using her magic to arrange the stems without hurting herself with the thorns and Fenix was removing the narrow leaves. They were both humming the music that came out of that device they call a "speaker."

And Marie found herself doing it too, at some point.

"To tell the truth, I don't think any of us have done something like this in centuries" Majo carefully slid her spheres between the tights that had just been replaced "Literally. I, personally, love plants, but I have never had the pleasure of learning to take care of them... as a human, I mean."

"I appreciate that you decided to help me, dears" Marie tried to restyle her hair and ended up getting mud on her forehead "although you didn't have to bother."

"Oh, we're happy to help," Fenix smiled at her. And then she turned around with a frown on her face "at least we do."

Following her with her gaze, Marie had to snort with amusement:

"What are they doing?"

"Well, apparently, we have the new stars of Castlevan nu-metal" the sorceress continued shaking her head to the rhythm of the strange music "because, of course, for Patricia a small shovel is the perfect microphone, Pinky is into invisible electric guitars, although she surely hasn't touched one in her centuries of existence, and Nikki is fine with the virtual drums. "Beware, creatures of the night, tremble to the power of symphonic metal!" Let's call Alucard and name it: "Symphony of the Night".

Fenix laughed despite herself, although Marie didn't quite understand the joke, she smiled anyway.

"But we sent them to do tasks and they were distorted as always!" she complained again, putting her arms on her hips, after throwing the leaves into the basket.

Marie shook her head, knowing she was right. But, with so many adversities coming one after another, seeing the girls having a good time in a nightmare place like this was something unusual, and at the same time, pleasant.

After all, she had started this hobby too, because it was what she found relaxing. And since the girls couldn't leave her or Patricia alone, they had offered to help her. Although... Patty and her cronies always seemed to have other plans...

"Speaking of wich" she commented, returning to her work "what strange music you have, not to mention the curious artifacts."

"If you don't like it" Majo proposed "we can tell the band to change the soundtrack."

"Except for the unmentionable "R" word that they say is music" said Fenix "they will surely accept requests."

"Which, finding music according to your time, Lady Marie, may be somewhat more difficult. Although, who knows, the internet itself is magical."

"Nah, surely if it's Nikki, she will find something" Fenix looked at them out of the corner of her eye again "since they're not doing anything..."

Marie couldn't help but laugh once again:

"Don't worry, ladies, I don't dislike it. In fact, I find it curious: although it is something I have never heard, sometimes both the lyrics and the melody remind me of what I used to listen to when I had the chance."

"Oh, true, a thousand years ago there was no YouTube, you would have to go listen it where the artists did their performance."

"Gabriel and I used to attend the festivities of the town or the church, or we listened to the minstrels tell their stories with their lute. Any of those songs that have been played on that device, remember similar to those of the past. It's... nostalgic in a way."

BLOOD BOUNDED - THE MOONLIGHT - Eng - Castlevania Lords of Shadow (fanfic) PIIIWhere stories live. Discover now