Chapter 74

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Marie's sisters were still excited even hours after the event ended. The dining room, which was normally the rule to remain silent, had become a noisy place, the maidens did nothing but talk about the feats of the young warriors, flattering and even defending their favorites from the criticism of their companions, who preferred others. That Christian guy evidently already had a group dedicated to his figure, although in Marie's opinion, it was more important to point out his beauty than his abilities, or was it just her impression?

And oh, surprise, Gabriel was an increasingly recurring name, and Marie still didn't know how to feel every time her attributes were praised too much, since, with every wrong piece of information, she felt the urge to get up to rectify... although she knew that calling the Attention would only get her in trouble. Besides, she wanted to keep the truth to herself. On the other hand, when she was criticized or judged, she also got upset. But she had to stop being so selfish and think that it was a good thing for her reputation that rumors about the skilled warrior spread to the ears of her own and strangers, even though many of her comments made her nervous.

She sighed, trying to continue her stew, still counting the minutes until she could meet him and...

"Marie... do you have a moment?" Three of her sisters approached her.

"What happen?" Truthfully, she was smelling the gossip and wasn't in the mood, but she didn't want to be rude either.

"You know him, right? The apprentice Gabriel" Said another of them.

Oh, Jesus.

"A little, that's right" was the first thing that came to her mind.

"Oh, I knew it!"

"Do you think you can introduce him to us, dear sister?"

"We want to express our deep admiration!"

"We saw that he dedicated a rose to you today, how lovely of hers" another girl approached.

"You seem very attached, are you just friends?" and another one.

"W-Well..." she tried to answer, but more maidens kept coming.

"He looks for her with his eyes before each fight and today he dedicated a rose to her, it is clear that they are more than friends!"

"Oh, what a disappointment, will it be that we don't have a chance!"

"Silly, what did you expect, to be his wife or something?!" someone mocked, but Marie's heart had turned over.

why not? He is dashing and talented!

what are you saying? But he is very scary!

"It has a dark aura, it's true."

"I think that's attractive!"

"You're going to introduce him to us, aren't you, Marie?"

"Please, ladies" Julia had gotten up with her plate "can't you see that you are overwhelming her? Be content to know that they have a close relationship and that it is none of our business. And I'm sure Marie would be delighted to introduce him to you, only if he agrees, because, in case you haven't noticed, he's a rather surly young man and all that attention could annoy him."

"But what are you saying!" Demanded one of them "we have seen that his encounters with Marie are practically daily! Won't he have some time to listen to us?"

"We just want to pay our respects, there's nothing wrong with that..."

"If so" her sister insisted "then there are many ways to do it without burdening anyone."

"We are not burdening anyone!"

"And what about you?"

"Don't think that we don't know you've been seeing one of his brothers!"

"Is it all because you're with her all the time? D you also want the apprentices for yourself?"

"Your accusations offend me, and my relationship with any of the apprentices is not your problem either."

"How rude!"

"Hey, leave the hero alone!" Anise jumped, angry.

"Look, even the child knows them!"

"How selfish can you be, sisters!"

"After what happened with the tree, no doubt that they have cast some spell to have them just for themselves!"

"That's it, that's it, there's no way a young man as grumpy as Gabriel could have changed just with Marie's pretty face!"

"Someone like her would cry if he only spoke to her a little loudly, she must have put a spell on him!"


With Marie's scream, they all fell silent.

"You... are all wrong" She had her head down and her fists clenched on the table "There is no spell, no magic involved. Yes, he is an aggressive young man, but that is because of the life he has been given, and it is only thanks to that that he can move on. For you who only see the "dark aura of him" I don't expect you to understand the gentle heart that he hides. I already know that I'm not as strong as him, I already know that I cry easily! But you are wrong! No spell was cast because he is not a beast to be tamed, and the peace that I find next to him, that we find in one another, is not something I hope you understand either, so stop judging him! Say what you want about me, but leave him alone!"

Her sisters had recoiled from her sudden outburst and silence had settled in the room. In a moment Marie was letting out all her frustration, something that seemed to be becoming recurring, and the next, she was the one backing away, realizing what she had said, her face like a cherry.

"Oh, my, what kind of behavior is this, ladies?!" Sister Lucrecia approached the group obviously annoyed "I see that you haven't learned anything from our last setback."

"That's why I told you!" Sister Katrina was coming after her with all the stoic attitude of her "that it was crazy for maidens to attend such events! They get just as wild as those boys are!"

"Sister, please" she claimed to the old woman "don't you remember what happened?"

The aforementioned backed away and Lucrecia turned to the girls:

"You must learn to respect the privacy of your sisters."

"Sister Lucrecia, they are secretly seeing apprentices!" One of them accused them.

The Sister put her arms on her hips:

"And you were planning to do the same if you feel attracted to any of those young men, right?!"

That left them speechless.

"That's how it is" she continued "if you don't want to be exposed, start by not exposing your sisters."

"Sister Lucrecia" the older woman approached her sinisterly "you were aware of this."

"Oh, Sister, you're the first to know what's going on under our roof and I've told you before, do what you please" and she turned to the girls "you, disperse, we'll talk later!"

No one could say anything more before the firm tone of the woman. Julia took advantage of that moment to take Marie and Anisa by their arms and lead them away from there. On the way out, as an omen, Marie cast one last look at the only one who remained separated from the group, who had a terrifying smile.


Well well, what do we have here... What do you think about Marie's sisters?

PD: I've had some issues with the posts, please if you find any mistakes, please contact me.


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