Wellness checkup

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Vanessa's POV
*I woke up at 8:45 am today cause today it was our family's wellness check up ! So I got out of bed and got a shower and then got dressed*

*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some light makeup before heading out of the bathroom to make my bed and then to wake up Noah but when I walked back into my room I saw jay and Noah watching the recap of the hockey game from last ...

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*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some light makeup before heading out of the bathroom to make my bed and then to wake up Noah but when I walked back into my room I saw jay and Noah watching the recap of the hockey game from last night*
Ness:there's my favourite boys !
Jay:morning beautiful!
Ness:what are ya doing ?
Jay:watching tv
Noah:hi mommy !
Ness:hey buddy ! *smiles* did you have a good night sleep ?
Noah:yeah !! I dreamed about shooting stars and rocket ships
Ness:wow !! Thats a pretty awesome dream bud
Noah:and guess what !
Ness:what ?!
Noah:I even went to space
Ness:oh my goodness!! That's so cool
Noah:yeah ! *smiles*
Ness:are you ready to go get dressed ?
Noah:why do I need to get dressed ?
Ness:cause we are going to see uncle will and aunt Natalie and uncle Connor
Noah:oh ok !!
*I picked up Noah and we went to his room and I got him changed into a pair of jeans and a grey sweater and I put on his cute pair of boots and then we headed out to the kitchen for some breakfast that jay was making and it happened to be toast and fruit which was one of Noah's favourite foods*
Jay:here ya go buddy !
Noah:thanks daddy!*smiles*
*jay laid his food on his high chair and I put him inside and we ate breakfast together as a family and then we got in the car and drove to med*
At med
*once we arrived we headed inside and waited in the waiting room*
Ness:yeah ?
Noah:when is uncle will coming out ?
Ness:very soon bud
*Noah played some games on my phone and after 15 mins will came out and said that we could go inside so that's what we did*
Will:alright so Natalie wants to take Noah first and Connor would like to do jay if that's alright ?
Ness:yeah sounds good
*jay goes with Connor and I go with Noah into the room where will tells us to go into and soon enough Natalie comes in*
Natalie:good morning ness
Ness:morning Natalie !
Natalie:hey buddy !
Noah:auntie Natalie !!
Natalie:are you going to be a good boy while i check to see if your a super strong boy ?
Noah:yeah !
Natalie:alright let's get started !
Ness:just let me know if you need me to do anything
Natalie:I think we should be good !
Natalie:alright Noah ! I'm going to listen to your heart now ok ?
Noah:ok !
*Natalie check his heart and says that it sounds good and she continues to do some tests on him and she says that he is a perfectly healthy young boy !
So then I bring him over to jay who was waiting in the waiting room since his checkup was done and now it was only me left ! So I followed Natalie back into the room and I laid down on the bed*
Natalie:so you have birth about 1 and half years ago almost 2 correct ?
Ness:sounds about right
Natalie:ok so I'm going to some after birth tests since your body is still trying to heal and all that stuff so just let me know if anything feels uncomfortable ok ?
Ness:sounds good !
Natalie:alright so is your milk coming in alright ?
Ness:I mean it's not as great as it was before but it's still there
Natalie:ok that sounds pretty normal to me and what about any pains or discomfort anywhere down there or your stomach ?
Ness:it only hurts when I pee of lay on my stomach for too long
Natalie:ok that still sounds normal and what about your period ? Have you gotten that back yet ?
Ness:I got it about 5 months ago but haven't had it sense but that's normal right ? Cause it's like supposed to be all over the place
Natalie:yeah your 100% correct but i am going to run 1 test if that's ok with you ?
Ness:do whatever you need to do
*Natalie runs the test*
Natalie:alright so I'll be back in 15-20 mins with the results
Ness:sounds good !
*while I waited I went on my phone and just scrolled on Instagram for a bit and soon enough Natalie came in with my test results*
Natalie:so I have some news ?
Ness:oh god ? Is it bad ?
Natalie:I don't think so !! I think it's great news
Ness:well what is it ?? Your scaring me
Natalie:well Vanessa Halstead it looks like your pregnant with baby #2
Ness:OMG!! Are you serious??!!!
Natalie:wanna see the test ?
Ness:yes please !!
*I looked at the tablet and it showed in bold black letters 6 weeks pregnant
Ness:holy smokes !! *starts to cry a little *
Ness:I can't believe this is actually happening right now
Natalie:how are you going to tell jay ?
Ness:Omg I need to go to the store !!
Natalie:well whatever you do to tell him i know it's going to be great !
Ness:well thank you so much nat ! I really appreciate all you do for our family! *smiles*
Nat:anytime ! Congratulations again
Ness:thank you !! *smiles*
*I wiped my tears before going out do the waiting room to see my adorable little boy and my handsome husband*
Jay:how did it go ?
Ness:great ! How about yours ?
Jay:good ! The usual! what about Noah's?
Ness:he's a perfectly Healthy boy !
Jay:well that's good !
Ness:yeah *smiles*
*we got in the car and we drove to McDonald's so that we could get Noah a happy meal for being so good today and we spent the night just hanging out as a family!*

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