He just shrugged waiting for me to proceed with the questions.

" When exactly did you get injured?"

"Thursday night against the bucks."

"Which part of your body exactly do you feel?"

Thinking a little bit, Jamal answered "my knee."

"Huh? Knee not ankle!" I exclaimed "are you sure it's not your ankle."

"The ankle injury isn't a new injury. It's kind of..... honestly I can't remember when it's started." He confessed.

I stared at him shocked. " You didn't bother to treat it or tell any of the medical staff."

" I did treat it and thought it'd heal on its own."

I just stare at him not believing what his words. I mean I get it most athletes don't want to accept when they are injured but he has taken his too far.

"Why are you staring at me?" Jamal inquired when I didn't say a word but just stared at him.

I replied with the words that Jamal probably didn't want to hear but the truth is harsh and it's the best for him. "You will have to undergo an image scanning."


The image scans were out the next day with Jamal and I seated in the team's empty cafeteria for me to tell him his fate. His words not mine. All he is worried about is when he is going to start playing again. I can't blame him as this is his best start to a season and now that has been cut short by injury.

We sat around a round table, Jamal facing me with his arms folded staring at me with a grave expression. He stretches out his legs; intentionally man spreading as his legs kept hitting mine. I'm sure he is doing this to annoy as every time I frown at him, he gives me lopsided smile.

"Can you stop that?" I asked irritated giving him a hard glare.

Feigning innocence he replied " I'm sorry, stop what?"

" You know what you are doing so stop it so we can both focus."

"Nah..... You got it all wrong, I'm very focused. You are the one unfocused due to guilty conscience."

Guilty conscience my foot, what's his problem? He should just forget we had a night stand and move on.

"And to remind you, you were the one who asked me not to put any strain, stress or pressure on my leg." Jamal added reminiscing what I had said before as he points to his injured leg in a cast.

After the diagnosis of his leg yesterday, I decided it's best for him to put on a cast to avoid putting pressure on the leg. He also has to walk around with crutches.

I take in deep breaths before replying him. " You know what, never mind. Let just do what we gotta do." Jamal nods with a wide grin. This man is so infuriating.

"The scan results shows that you have a high ankle sprain, an MCL sprain with a small meniscus tear."

Jamal nods his head slowly processing the information I had just told him. I think he wasn't expecting this much because he puts his head on his palms sighing disbelief. This made me silent not knowing what to say next.

Few minutes pass by and yet Jamal hasn't still taken the information well.

I decided to go easy on him placing my hand his shoulder asking him softly " Jamal, are you alright?" Now it all makes sense why he was at the party, he was just trying to forget the fact that he is injured. I don't usually keep up with the NBA media but I know they haven't given him the easiest of time.

Jamal crushed voice muttered " is it really that bad?" I hesitated for moment thinking of how to make the situation less hurtful. " I don't think it is really all that bad."

He went silent for a moment before spilling out his emotions " do you know what hurts the most is how I worked so hard this off season to become a better player and all this is now happening."

" You really don't have to bother, let's just work hard to get you to your fitness. And in no time, you will be back playing. Trust me."

Still not convinced he asked " so this is not season ending injury?"

"If you trust me and we both work hard, believe me it's going to be alright. You can count on my words." I promised.

Seconds pass before Jamal finally lifted his head saying with a teary voice "okay. I trust you, let's do it!"

I smile. Who knew he was such a cry baby.


Author 's note

Thanks for reading!!!! Honestly this chapter was hard to write with all the things injury and emotions I wanted the chapter to portray.

Anyways I'm happy that I'm able to finish it because my over thinking brain started screaming " I told you it's going to be hard. You better quit now while it's early."

That's a little bit of my dilemma, haahaa.😭

Anyways I will really appreciate your vote and feedback, so please do leave em because they really make my day. 😁

Peace out !!!

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