Chapter 7

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You were healing nicely and ready to go back in a few days. You also heard that the team wrapped up there case and will be coming back tomorrow. While folding the laundry, your phone ring.
"[Y/N]" you said
"Hi." It was Aaron.
"Yes sir, what can I do for you" You were suddenly attentive.
"I just want to invite you tomorrow. It's Jack's birthday at the amusement park. The rest of the team will come."
"Sure, that would be lovely." You said enthusiastically.
"Ahm, How are you doing by the way?" He asked.
"I am healing nicely. Thank you for your concern, Sir" You answered happily.
"Aaron, I told you to call me Aaron outside work" He told you seriously,
"I am sorry, Aaron" You said emphasizing his name. He let out a low chuckle
"Alright, We'll see you tomorrow at 3." He said.
"Sure, Thanks for the invite Aaron." You answered
"Bye." You caught yourself smiling. Damn! You thought. You cannot catch any feelings with your boss. You shake your head and continue with your chores.

The next day, you arrived at the amusement park. There was a ferris wheel and a Merry go round. There were also booth for carnival games. You spotted Hotch immediately with Reid and JJ so you joined them.

"Hi [Y/N], how are you feeling" Reid asked while hugging you
"I am perfectly fine now." You said.
"I am glad you could come." Hotch said hugging you as well. You slip a look at JJ and she smile teasing you. You hugged her too.
"By the way this is Jack." Hotch introduces. "The most handsome birthday boy" Hotch teases Jack, both of them laughed.
"Hello Jack!" You said kneeling so you can be at his eye level. "I am [Y/N], it is nice to meet you" You said shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you too" He said shyly.
"Happy Birthday! This is for you!" You handed him your present. Jack smiled shyly and accept the gift.
"Thank you" He said.
"You're welcome!" You stand up. Morgan and Penelope are just arriving. They greeted everyone and gave Jack his present. After a while, Rossi arrive as well. He has a bottle of wine in one hand and Jack's present on the other one. He greeted everyone and jokingly gave jack the bottle of wine. Jack was confused but Rossi told him that it was a joke and gave him his real present, everyone was laughing.

Hotch suddenly has a call. Everyone was frozen because it could be a case. He was serious while talking. And when he is done, he look us all one by one.
He sighed and said, "The cake has arrived, I'll need to get it." Then he started laughing. All of us sigh in relief and he laugh more. He also told Jack to go with uncle Reid. Reid asked Jack where he wanted to play first and Jack pointed out the booth where you need to shoot cups to win prizes. Jack also asked Henry if he wanted to come. Both of the boys comes with Reid. You got curious so you tagged along as well.

On the booth, Reid asked for 3 guns, one for each of them he also paid for them. They aim it and fire but none of the cups were hit. So Reid paid for another game but they did not hit anything again. Reid was paying for another one but you know it is a waste of money so you asked if you can play as well.

"May I join you 3 gentlemen" You asked them. Jack and Henry nod.
"Are you sure?" Reid asked. "What about your injury?"
"I can shoot with my left" You said taking your position.
"Here take my gun" Reid gave you the toy gun.
"Are you sure?" Reid just nod. You took the gun, step back and shoot. All the cups was hit and the three boys was so amaze.
"Wow teach us [Y/N]" Jack said.
"Please!" Henry begged. You smiled on both of them and nod. They squeal with excitement. This also got the attention of the team so JJ and Penelope join you.
"Alright boys, follow my lead." You said like a drill sergeant. "First, you must step backward 2x." Jack and Henry steps backward
"Make sure that the but of your gun is touching your shoulder." Both the boys followed. Hotch arrives with the cake. He asked Rossi what's happening and he said that you were teaching the kids how to shoot. He nod, impressed.
"Then look at your scope and aim at your target. dont shoot yet." Both of them aimed for there target.
"You inhale and when you do exhale you shoot." Both of the kids inhaled deeply and shoot at the same time they exhale and both of them were able to knock down a cup.
"Woah did you see that!" Jack said to Henry.
"Yeah! We are awesome." Henry said. Both of the kids high five-ing. They continue to shoot until they got the prize. Jack and Henry was so happy. They both showed it there parents.

"Oi Reid!" Morgan called him. "Should try it as well and knock down some cups." Rossi and Morgan stands up and join you. Morgan asked the custodian to give you a gun. He handed it to Reid despite his protest but Morgan was persuasive so Reid just took the gun. He followed my instruction, step back 2x, put the butt of the gun on his shoulder, aim and fire but he did not hit any of the cup. So you come with him and whispered something in his ears. His eyes widen. You step back with a smirk on your face. He aimed again, taking a deep breathe and shoot. Then BAM! He was able to hit one. He continue until he hit all the cups.

"[Y/N] I am curious what did you tell him?" Rossi asked.
"I told him that if he did not hit the cup I will shoot him in the head." You look at Reid with a teasing smile and he smile at you back. The rest of the team laughed.
You went back at the table with 2 extra prize so you gave it to Jack and Henry.

After the party, JJ and Henry has to go because Henry is already sleepy and tired. Reid also said good bye and joined JJ. Morgan and Penelope has to go as well because Penelope has a date and Rossi also needs to go because he is also having a date with the future 4th wife. Hotch thanks all of them for coming. You stayed to help Hotch cleaning up.

"We are fine, you can go if you need to." He told you.
"Its fine, I dont have any plans." You said while putting away the cake in the box.
When everything was cleaned up you help him and Jack to bring there things to the car. When everything was settled both of them said good bye.

"Jack you say good bye to [Y/N]" Hotch told him
"Good bye, [Y/N]. Thank you for the gifts" He said with a big child smile.
"You're welcome, Jack. Happy Birthday!" You told him.
"Thank you for all your help" Hotch said.
"You're welcome, Aaron." You answered, still not used on calling him on his first name but his smile upon hearing his name make you smile as well.
"How are you going home?" He asked.
"I have a motorcycle." You point the motorcycle parking at the other side of the parking lot.
"You have a motorcycle?" Jack said enthusiastically.
"Yes! I like riding them because they are fast." You said
"I like them too! Can I ride it?" He asked you, almost pleading. You look at Aaron but you know that he is skeptical but does not want to disappoint his son on his birthday. "Of course but not today because I dont have another helmet for you and it is not safe to ride a motorcycle with out the proper gear. How about I visit you at your house when I have the gear and let's have a spin?" You told him as gentle as possible. His eyes widen with joy and nod profusely.
"That is if your dad is ok with it." You added and both of you look at Aaron. You nudge Jack to mimic you and give Aaron a puppy eyes. He looked at both of you seriously.
"Fine" He said defeated. But all of a sudden Hotch's phone ring. He answers it. You both know what is it. He ended the call and look at you.
"Its a case. Lets meet at the office in an hour." He said. You nod. You said your goodbye as well and headed to your motorcycle.
Jack and Hotch went inside the car. As Hotch was revving then engine, Jack spoke
"I like [Y/N], dad. She is cool!" Hotch gave out a low chuckle,
"Me too, Jack. Me too"

Author's note: Its a little bit biased but this is one of my fave chapter to write. Its lighthearted and you can see that Aaron was smitten with [Y/N] here.
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