Chapter 3

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JJ and Morgan went to the crime scene while Spence and Dave go to the medical examiner. You and Hotch went to the police station. You set up the evidence on the board while Hotch was reading the initial ME report. All of the victims was tortured first before they were killed.

"The unsub is organized and sadistic." Hotch said. Still reading the medical report.
"Yes, I wonder why does he needs to torture them? Is that part of the sexual gratification?" You asked him.
"Yes, when he torture the victim he was able to satisfy himself as well." Hotch answered.
"And all of the victims was last seen on a bar on a friday. And would disposed the body at the middle of the week." You told him. You were reading the medical report too when Hotch asked you.
"What else can you say about the MO and the unsub based on the ME report." Hotch asked you. He was like a teacher giving a graded recitation.
"Hmmm, based on the ME report there are no defensive wounds so the victims was tied during the torture and they cannot fight the unsub." You answered.
"Good, what else?" Hotch was pressing.
"I also dont see any blitz attack on them or anything that can subdue the victim. So the victims might have come with the unsub willingly."
"Very good, [Y/L]. We need to check the cctv of the bar to see if there are any clue on who is the unsub. Please call, Garcia." Hotch told you. You call Garcia to ask for the security footage. While Hotch called the rest of the team to visit the bar where the victims was last seen.
"Come on, we will visit the bar our last victim went." Hotch told you. You followed him into the SUV.

You were quiet on the way. Then Hotch asked you about your gun.
"So where do you hide your gun?" He asked, you were puzzled what he was talking about but realize he meant your snipping gun.
"Ahh, it was at the back of the SUV." You answered. Pointing at the pack with your thumb.
"When did you learn to snipe." He asked you again.
"I actually cannot remember anymore. I first hold a gun when I was a kid." You told him.
"That young, your dad's a cop?" He asked.
"No, he was in interpol" You answered. You glanced at him and see that he was surprised.
"He died," You continued. "He and my mom, they died in a crash."
" I am sorry." He said.
"Its fine," You said. You look away. You are not yet keen to open up your sad past to anyone much more with you boss. Good thing you are already at your destination.

You and Hotch entered the bar. It was almost empty. The bartender was cleaning up the glass as you approach. You introduced yourself and show him your badge.

"What can I do for the FBI?" He asked.
"Do you recognize this woman?" You show him the picture of the latest victim.
"Ahh yes, Anne Boyle. She is a regular here. Always one with the boys. She was a little boyish but you know she was so beautiful." The bartender answered. She looks at you for a moment and then remarked "Just like you. I bet you look beautiful in a dress and make up."
You and Hotch glanced at each other. Now you both realize at to what extent you fit the victimology.
"When was the last time you saw her." you continue asking.
"Last friday night. She was here alone, you know capping a busy week with a couple of beers." He answered.
"Do you remember if someone approach her that night?" Hotch asked this time.
"Yes, Andrew Smith." The bartender said.
"What did they talked about?" I asked back.
"I actually did not hear but Anna seems to be smitten. They went out together." The bartender said.
"One more thing," You said "Is she wearing a red dress and read shoes?"
"Anna? NO! She is a tshirt and pants kind of girl. She hates dresses." The Bartender said with a laugh.
"Thank you." You said.
You and Hotch went back to the SUV. You were quiet again, thinking about the case. Hotch breaks the silence.
"Are you okay?" He asked you.
"Yeah, just thinking about this case." You answered, still not feeling it.
"You dont have to worry." Hotch said. "We will protect you."
You finally look at him. He glanced at you and gave you a little smile. He looks like a different person whenever he smiles.
"Thank you!" You said, smiling back at him.

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